
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Balakadri- Gertrude Crampton - Cecelia Dougherty - Enriched limit - Valie Export - Ayo Matsuura - Modekngei - L. Nickel - Mab Segrest - Semiregular space - Krystal Wakem - IO economics - NY Womens Detention - Resolvins - Ritz process - Norte del Valle cartel - Mahenge - Rosemary Nelson - Fried dough foods - Spaghetti stack - Terror management - LHRH - Athymhormia - All-pairs testing - Zwischengoldglaser - EAASY SABRE - Peaucellier-Lipkin linkage - Astrograph - c-decay - Dual power supply - Electronics industries association - Film resistor - hole mobility - DAAA Collective - Kelvin electrostatic generator (or Kelvin water dropper) - negative ion generator - power resistor - supermagnets - tachyon waves - saturation current - ethnozoology - American Council of the Blind - Trinh Minh-ha - Tara Foundation - Yassamanoot najadahadish

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