Rapidly-exploring random tree

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A dense RRT graph, after 2345 iterations, demonstrating it's capability of "space filling"
A dense RRT graph, after 2345 iterations, demonstrating it's capability of "space filling"

A Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) is a data structure and algorithm designed for efficiently searching nonconvex, high-dimensional search spaces. Simply put, the tree is constructed in such a way that any sample in the space is added by connecting it to the closest sample already in the tree.


[edit] Introduction

RRTs are constructed incrementally in a way that quickly reduces the expected distance of a randomly-chosen point to the tree. RRTs are particularly suited for path planning problems that involve obstacles and differential constraints (nonholonomic or kinodynamic). RRTs can be considered as a technique for generating open-loop trajectories for nonlinear systems with state constraints. An RRT can be intuitively considered as a Monte-Carlo way of biasing search into largest Voronoi regions. Some variations can be considered as stochastic fractals. Usually, an RRT alone is insufficient to solve a planning problem. Thus, it can be considered as a component that can be incorporated into the development of a variety of different planning algorithms.[1]

[edit] Algorithm

For a general configuration space C, the algorithm in pseudocode is as follows:

Algorithm BuildRRT
  Input: Initial configuration qinit, number of vertices in RRT K, incremental distance Δq)
  Output: RRT graph G

  for k = 1 to K
    qrand ← RAND_CONF()
    qnear ← NEAREST_VERTEX(qrand, G)
    qnew ← NEW_CONF(qnear, Δq)
    G.add_edge(qnear, qnew)
  return G
  • "←" is a loose shorthand for "changes to". For instance, "largestitem" means that the value of largest changes to the value of item.
  • "return" terminates the algorithm and outputs the value that follows.

In the algorithm above, "RAND_CONF" grabs a random configuration qrand in C. This may be replaced with a function "RAND_FREE_CONF" that uses samples in Cfree, while rejecting those in Cobs using some collision detection algorithm.

"NEAREST_VERTEX" is a straight-forward function that runs through all vertexes v in graph G, calculates the distance between qrand and v using some measurement function thereby returning the nearest vector.

"NEW_CONF" selects a new configuration qnew by moving an incremental distance Δq from qnear in the direction of qrand.

[edit] Visualization

A visualization of a RRT graph after 45 and 390 iterations
A visualization of a RRT graph after 45 and 390 iterations

[edit] References

  1. ^ http://msl.cs.uiuc.edu/rrt/about.html About RRTs, by Steve LaValle