Rape pornography

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Rape pornography is a genre of pornography involving the depiction of rape.

Feminists, social conservatives and libertarians debate whether this form of pornography encourages men to commit rape. The pairing of sex with violence distinguishes the issue of rape pornography from that of pornography in general. Studies of the issue produce conflicting results.[1] The paradoxical intersection of human action, media influence, and causality places great strain upon democracy (see Radical Behaviorism).

[edit] Methods of production

Rape pornography can be produced either by:

  • Actors pretending to be raped or raping — e.g., an actress or actor pretends not to consent to sexual activity with one or more actors, but in reality is a consenting participant who may be acting in the scene for money, personal enjoyment, or other reasons. In this case, although the sex depicted is given the appearance of rape, all participants are actually consenting.
  • Real, actual rapes, recorded by the perpetrators. This method can be considered theoretical, as no examples of widely-available rape pornography produced in this manner have been documented.
  • Animation is also a popular method, often in the form of hentai.

[edit] Legality

In the UK, it was announced on 2006-08-30 that possession of depictions of rape would become a criminal offence [2], including those involving consenting adults, and images which are faked. However, the proposed law on extreme pornography does not seem to explicitly mention depictions of rape.

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Pornography, Rape and Sex Crimes in Japan," University of Hawaii, Pacific Center for Sex and Society, 1999.
  2. ^ Crackdown on violent porn