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Experimental evidence for unprecedented optical emission from radioisotopes and XRF sources M.A. Padmanabha Rao, Former Professor of Medical Physics, 114 Charak Sadan, Vikaspuri, New Delhi 110018, India, [],Ph:91-11-28534251,

This article highlights previously unexplored area of subatomic research into highly excited atoms of solid radioisotopes and XRF sources. The UV dominant optical emission claimed newly remained elusive from previous scientists for being invisible and originating from the same source coaxed with ionizing radiations, according to the current study. When intense UV lines, besides VIS, and NIR emission lines were first detected from Rb XRF source and metallic sources like Cu XRF source and Co-57 the results were very puzzling. First, the optical emission was not even predicted previously. Second, β, γ, and X- radiations causing unprecedented high energy spectra than the expected solid state emission, or the familiar luminescence, scintillations or Cherenkov radiation could not be understood from the current X-ray, nuclear and solid state physics, or atomic spectroscopy. However, interpretation of optical spectra from metal sources at subatomic level provided the key for β, γ, and X- radiation energies causing distinct class of atomic emission spectra of excited atoms in solid sources by a previously unknown atomic phenomenon briefly explained by the author. A single finding triggered this entire study, when performance evaluation of bare photomultiplier tube (9635QB THORN EMI) in the ionizing radiation detection was made, unusually keeping either a radioisotope or XRF source directly on its quartz window (Bohra et al ). Of all the sources tested, the Rb XRF source (AMC 2084, U.K.) expected to emit 4400 Rb X-rays per sec displayed spectacularly high counts 125,321 cps. However, counts dipped sharply on interposing a thin black polyethylene sheet in between source and PMT provided indirect evidence for Rb X-rays causing optical radiation from Rb XRF source demanding confirmation by full proof method. Possibility of very low quantum yield from Rb XRF source and the necessity to test it at room temperature posed a problem to avail Atomic spectrometer. Therefore, narrow band optical filters were used to test whether any emission lines appear confirming light emission. Unprecedented intense UV emission lines implying high energy spectra, besides VIS, and NIR emission lines appeared not only from Rb XRF source but also from Ba, and Tb XRF sources (salts); and metallic Cu XRF source; and Cs-137, Ba-133, Am-241, Co-57, Co-60, Na-22, Tl-204 (radiochemicals). Appearance of intense UV emission lines as an emissive feature of these sources made these spectra distinctly different from ionizing radiation- induced luminescence, scintillations, or Cherenkov radiation [Becquerel, Knoll]. The remarkable high energy spectrum of metallic Cu XRF source challenging incandescence of metals seemed to be due to core- to- valence excitation induced by Cu XRF within parent excited Cu atoms. The excited atoms that become free atoms due to valence excitation, lye in between unexcited metal atoms of solid sources, yet cause a new class of ‘room temperature atomic emission spectra of solids’ entirely different from the thermally excited atomic spectra (Padmanabha Rao 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2006). These strange spectral results prompted further study to characterize the optical spectra. Despite low quantum yield, a pair of sheet polarizers proved very promising in estimating UV (up to 400 nm), VIS (400 to 710 nm), and NIR (beyond 710 nm) radiation intensities, covering the entire optical spectrum. The key spectral finding pointed that that β, γ, and X- radiation energies in keV or MeV regulate these intensities, in other words, nature of optical spectrum regardless of type of radiation and nature of source medium. Degradation of the keV or MeV energies to optical energies at eV level regardless of the nature of source is the hallmark of the new atomic phenomenon causing optical emission. It explains why strong UV emission lines and the UV dominant optical spectra were observed from radioisotopes and XRF sources even when present as metals. Gross light intensity measurements of metallic Cu, Mo, and Ag XRF sources and Co-60 provided direct evidence for ionizing radiation energies in keV or MeV inducing core-to- valence excitation within parent excited metal atoms. Similarly, γ induced nuclear- valence excitation and Fe X-ray induced core- valence excitation taking place within excited Co-57 metal atoms may have caused atomic spectrum of metallic Co-57. The spectra of metallic sources providing the first evidence for formation of free atoms within solid radioisotopes and XRF sources notably at room temperature marked an important step on the existence of a new 'atomic state of matter' in solids at room temperature. It is the hope that futuristic studies will allow the characteristics of this new form of matter to be explored in detail.

To explain the UV dominant fluorescent emission, the author has predicted that keV or MeV energies first generate some exciting energies higher than that of UV within parent excited atom necessary for valence excitation by a previously unknown phenomenon briefly explained by the author. These predicted energies cause valence excitation, in turn the observed fluorescent emission of light. Exciting energies generated internally within excited atom causing high energy spectra signify spectacular advancement in the field of atomic spectroscopy. The excessive light counts noted from Rb XRF source owes to multiplication of quantum yield in the successive two generations in each of the excited atoms.

Favorably, scientists in some other laboratory tested and confirmed the author’s claim over optical radiation from Rb XRF source and metallic Mo XRF source unprecedented at room temperature (Radiation Measurements, USA). None has refuted or addressed the material evidence available as abstracts or proceedings of the nine symposia that the author attended during the last few years.


1. Bohra, D., Parihar, A. & Padmanabha Rao, M. A. The photomultiplier as a beta detector, Nucl Inst and Phy.Res, A320, 393-395 (1992). [1]

2. M A Padmanabha Rao, (1997) Atomic emission of light from sources of ionizing radiation by a new phenomenon, Technical Report No: DLJ/ IL/ 97/ 7 (Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur 342011, India, April 1997). [2]ml

3. M A Padmanabha Rao, (1997) LIGHT EMISSION OBSERVED FROM IONIZING RADIATION SOURCES BY AN ATOMIC PHENOMENON, National Symposium on Contemporary Physics, November 6-8, 1997, organized by The Indian Physics Association, at Physics Department, Presidency College, Calcutta (Kolkata), India [3]

4. M A Padmanabha Rao, (1998) Radioisotopes and X-ray sources emit fluorescent light by an atomic phenomenon, Proceedings of the 12th National Symposium on Radiation Physics, (Eds. P K Bhatnagar et al), Sponsored by Indian Society for Radiation Physics, Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur 342011, India, pp 273-276, and January 28-30 (Publisher: Hindustan Enterprises, Jodhpur 342003, Rajasthan, India). [4]

5. M A Padmanabha Rao, (1998), X-RAY SOURCE EMITS NOT ONLY X-RAYS BUT ALSO LOW ENERGY ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION. 1998 Symposium on Radiation Measurements and Applications, (Ninth in a Series), May 11-14, 1998, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. [5]

6. M A Padmanabha Rao (1999) Possible biological effects by UV radiation newly detected from internally administered radioisotopes. Proceedings of the National Seminar on low level electromagnetic field in biological systems, February 3-4, 1999, ed. J. Behari, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (1999). [6]

7. M A Padmanabha Rao, DISCOVERY OF LIGHT EMISSION FROM XRF SOURCES, Presented at the 50th Annual Denver X-ray Conference, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, USA, July 30 to August 3, 2001, Abstract: F-01, XRF session, August 1, page 124 in Volume of Abstracts [7]

8. M A Padmanabha Rao, (2002) ROOM TEMPERATURE ATOMIC SPECTRA FROM SOLID RADIOISOTOPES AND XRF SOURCES, abstract F2-4 of the oral paper presented at the 34th EGAS (European Group for Atomic spectroscopy) Conference held during 9-12 July 2002 at Department of Physics, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria. [8]

9. M A Padmanabha Rao, (2003), Radiation physics discoveries provide keys to riddles of Black Hole Physics ad Gamma Bursts, Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Frontier Physics, Organized by Dr. B. G. Sidharth, at B. M. Birla Science Centre, Hyderabad, 8-11 January 2003 (in press) [9]

10. M A Padmanabha Rao, NEW UV EMITTERS: RADIOISOTOPES AND XRF SOURCES EXPLAINED BY FIRST MAPPING OF PHOTON, ELECTRON, PROTON AND NEUTRON. (in) Advances in Electronic Materials and Devices, (Eds) Prof. P.K. Bajpai, Dr.H.S.Tiwari, and Dr.A.Khaskalam, Department of Pure & Applied Physics, Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur 495009, Chattisgarh State, India. [10]