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[edit] Vista stuff

Windows Vista
User Account Control
Security and safety features new to Windows Vista
Features new to Windows Vista

[edit] League of American Writers data

Members of the League of American Writers Keep America Out of War Committee in January 1940:

Ben Bengal *
Lillian Hellman *
Arthur Kober
Dashiell Hammett *
Alter Brody
Lawrence A. Goldstone
Henry Hart (writer)
Edwin Berry Burgum
Henry Goodman (writer)
George Sklar *
Charles A. Wagner
Fannie Engle
George Asness
Eleanor Flexner
Len Zinberg
Shaemas O'Sheel
James Neugass
Sonia Raiziss

source: Days of Anger, Days of Hope: A Memoir of the League of American Writers, 1937-1942 by Franklin Folsom University Press of Colorado, 1994.

* Hollywood blacklist

[edit] National security secrets revealed by the press

Counterterrorist Intelligence Center
Alliance Base
Black site
JN-25 decryption
NSA electronic surveillance program
Terrorist Finance Tracking Program
The Greenbrier
Mount Weather
USNS Glomar Explorer (T-AG-193)
Bay of Pigs Invasion

[edit] Possible propaganda ploys

Haditha killings
Shinwar Massacre

[edit] Catastrophes that never quite happened

Population bomb
Ice age by 2000
Nuclear winter from Kuwait wells in the first Gulf_War