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The Ralte clan is found scattered in the Lushai villages to the north of Aizawl, India. About 200 years ago the Raltes lived mostly near Champhai. Mangkhaia was an important Ralte chief there. He was killed in course of events following his clash with a Lushai chief. Mangkhaia's memorial stone has been famous throughout these hills. The Raltes zealously maintained their individual identity and resisted absorption into the folds of the Lushais.

[edit] Origin of the Raltes

Traditions has it that when two Raltes came out of Chhinlung/Sinlung cave, they were chattering too much that it led God (Pathian) to believed that too many Raltes came out which resulted in God closing the entrance of the cave. This ,according to the Raltes, is the main reasons for their low population. Regarding their origin, many agreed upon that they are descended from a tribe which is closely akin to the Thado Kukis. The Raltes trace their descent from Zahong, the son or younger brother of Songthu. The Vaipheis , also being descended from Zahong, claim the Raltes/Galte as their sub-clan. The old Ralte dailect is closely akin to Vaiphei. Among the Vaipheis, the Duhlian of the Khaute/Khauva clan regarded the Raltes as descended from Chinmang, an elder brother to Paulut and Khala (progenitor of Duhlian/Dulian, Nunga and Keivom clans). Oral traditions mention names like Kotzawl, Thangmual, Thanghem, Dimpi, Dimlo, Suklui etc. The Raltes mainly divided themselves into four clans namely - Kawlni, Siakeng, Khelte and Lelhchhun.

(i)Kawlni or Colney- Talbawk, (ii)Siakeng- Kaizong and Tongtual, (iii)Khelte- Hmaimawk, Lutmang, Singlu, Siarchuang, Thatsing, Vankeu, Vohang, Vohlu, Zahlei and Zaucha. (iv)Lelchhun.

The Vaipheis regarded the Raltes/Galtes as their sub-clans and claim that the Raltes are descended from Khauva/ Khaute, the progenitor of the Tinvuk [ Khuanghau ( Tualtung, Tungnung, Tungdim & Tunglut ), Khuangdal, Vukmang ( Ngulvung & Thavuk), Mangtong & Jaktong ], Senchong/Sentong (Chontung, Chonlut /Chonglut, Chonmang, Chonlu etc. ),Neitham [Chonniang, Singphun, Misau, Ngoilu etc.], Neihsial (Haulai, Thagen, Lengen, Nunthuk etc.), Vanglua( Ellu, Hatlei, Khantun, Hatlang, Langel, Hatzaw, Hatziam etc.), Duhlian ( Khala, Keivom, Nungate etc.)etc. Khauva is said to have two younger brothers viz. Khaupho( the progenitor of Hoinge clan) and Khauza or Buite or Berhvate[ the progenitor of the Zomsing, Thuksuang, Faihriem ( Bapui, Khawkhiang, Khawlum, Sakum {Hauhmawng, Hauhniang & Kilong}, Sote, Tualai, Tuadal, Tusing etc), Chunthang (Vangsia /Vangchhia, Khawlhring, Paute etc), etc]. Many historians noted that the Raltes used to lived in Khawzim, the former Vaiphei capital in Myanmar which was destroyed by the Pois. According to the Vaipheis, with the destruction of Khawzim and also their other settlements such as Khawvaiphei, Sialkal,etc, many clans of the Vaipheis like the Raltes, Faihriem, Khiangte, Khawlhring etc. scattered in different areas and came to live within the fold of other Zo tribes or came to exist as an independent clan.