User:Rajofcanada/Regents: Iberian States

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[edit] Ampurias

[edit] Aragon

[edit] Barcelona

[edit] Berga

    • 988-994: Ermengard of Ampurias, Regent for her son Oliba, Count of Berga and Ripoll

[edit] Besalú

    • 927-940: Ava of Barcelona, Regent for her son, Sunifred II of Cerdanya [7] [8]
    • 988-994: Ermengard of Ampurias, Regent for her son Bernard I of Besalu
    • 1066-1085: Bernard II of Besalú, Regent for his nephew Bernard III of Besalu [9]

[edit] Castelbon

    • 1350-1353: Constanza de Luna, Regent for her son, Roger Bernard of Castelbon, who was a minor at his accession. [10]

[edit] Castile

[edit] Cerdanya

    • 927-940: Ava of Barcelona, Regent for her son, Sunifred II of Cerdanya [18] [19]
    • 988-994: Ermengard of Ampurias, Regent for her son Wilfred II of Cerdanya

[edit] Leon

[edit] Mallorca

[edit] Navarre

[edit] Osona

[edit] Penedes

[edit] Portugal

[edit] Spain

[edit] Urgell

    • 1102-1108: Pedro Ansúrez , Regent for his grandson Ermengol VI of Urgel. Pedro was a Castilian noble who was a close adviser of Alfonso VI of Castile who granted him the lordship of Valladolid. He married his daughter, Maria Ansurez, to Ermengol V of Urgel whose son, Ermengol VI, was only 6 years old at the time of his accession. [34]
    • 1208-1214: Elvira de Lara (d.1220), also known as Elvira Manrique de Lara or Elvira de Subirats, Regent for her daughter, Aurembiaix of Urgel, who was only about 13 years old when she succeded her father Ermengol VIII of Urgel. [35]

[edit] Valencia

    • Maria de Luna, Lieutenant of the Kingdom of Valencia, 1401-1406 [36]