Rajan Hoole

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Rajan Hoole is a Tamil Human Rights activist and a co founder, along with the late Ranjani Thiranagama, of University Teachers for Human Rights. His full name is Michael Richard Ratnarajan Hoole.He is the eldest son of Rev.Richard Herbert Ratnathurai Hoole.

Soon after the assassination of Rajini Thiranagama, Rajan Hoole along with Sritharan, another UTHR activist, fled Jaffna. He continues to document human rights violations by different armed actors in Sri Lanka. Hoole was trained as a classical pianist. He is a vegetarian and a part-time journalist. He is a devout Protestant Christian.

He was awarded prestigious Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders in 2007 along with Kopalasingham Sritharan.[1]


1. The Broken Palmyrah (1989, Co author, Harvey Mudd College California)

2. Sri Lanka: The Arrogance of power; Myth, Decadence and murder (2000, UTHR, Colombo)

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