Rail transport in Sweden

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National railway SJ
Infrastructure company Banverket
System length
Total 12,821 kilometres (7,967 mi)
Double track 1,152 kilometres (716 mi)
Electrified 7,918 kilometres (4,920 mi)
Main 1,435 mm (4 ft 8½ in)
891 mm (2 ft 11.1 in) 221 kilometres (137 mi)
Main 15 kV 16⅔ Hz AC

Rail transport in Sweden utilises a network of 13,000 km of track, the 20th largest in the world. Construction of the first railway line in Sweden began in 1855. The major operator is the government-owned SJ AB.


[edit] Operators

Rail transport has to some extent been privatised, but the major national passenger train operator, SJ AB (usually just called SJ), and the cargo transport operator, Green Cargo, are both fully owned by the state. The private company Tågkompaniet operates in central Sweden, and there are a number of regional companies. Tram systems are used in Gothenburg, Norrköping and Stockholm. There is a metro system in Stockholm, the Stockholm Metro.

SJ has a monopoly to operate passenger trains where they can be run profitable from a commercial point of view. This is mostly the case for X2000 trains and some regional trains around Stockholm. Most other railways are not profitable. Average speed is an important factor regarding profitability (more distance per hour means more income per hour). For regional trains (within one county or up to about 100 km distance) the counties buy traffic by signing a contract with an operator. The operator is often SJ, but sometimes another operator, either Swedish or from one of the other EU countries, provides the service. For these regional trains the county transport authority sells tickets. For long-distance trains (i.e., longer than the regional trains) that are not profitable, a national authority "Rikstrafiken" signs a contract with an operator to move traffic on each line (Public Service Obligation). In this case each operator markets and sell tickets. The operator for unprofitable services usually rents trains from the county transport authority or a special state organisation. This is because trains are expensive, take from two to three years to buy (from tender to delivery), and are hard to sell if the operator loses the contract. However, for the SJ monopoly traffic, SJ usually own the trains.

Rail traffic is supervised by the Banverket (Swedish National Rail Administration), a government agency.

[edit] History

The first Swedish railroad for public transport using horse-drawn carriages, the Frykstads railroad in Värmland was opened in 1849.

In 1853 the Swedish Parliament decided that the state would build main line railways, but that other lines would be built by private enterprises, and in 1856 the first stretch, between Örebro and Nora, was opened for traffic.

The main line railways were of major importance for the development of the Swedish industry. The first two main line railways were the Southern, stretching from Stockholm to Malmö in the south, and the Western, to Gothenburg in the west. These line railways were finished between 1860-1864. The Northern railway runs parallel to the Baltic coast (but not along it) up to Boden in northern Sweden, and was finished in 1894. The Inland Railway runs from Gällivare in the north to Kristinehamn in the center of the country, through the central parts of northern Sweden, and was built between 1908-1937.

The construction of the early main lines provided a fast and safe connection from the mines in the north to the rest of Sweden. It also facilitated business (and private) travel, which had earlier required horse-drawn carriages.

Main Line railways built in Sweden between 1860-1930.
Main Line railways built in Sweden between 1860-1930.

[edit] Network

[edit] Main lines

There used to be six main lines (stambanor), all nationally owned:

Also these lines have for a period been called main lines:

The principle was that the main lines were built by the state, but all others by private companies, often owned by cities to support their local need. In the period 1930-1950 most lines were purchased by the state, making the main line term less well defined.

Today, changes has been made in the terminology making the number of main lines four. The northwestern main line is not considered a main line anymore and is renamed Värmlandsbanan. The southern main line between Nässjö and Falköping is also degraded since now what was the Eastern main line (Nässjö - Katrineholm) is considered a part of the southern one. The Norrland cross line is not a main line anymore, but a regional railway. Finally the northern main line south of Ockelbo refers to another and shorter way than that through Avesta. Sometimes the Ostkustbanan Stockholm-Sundsvall is now considererd a main line, since it has the majority of the passenger traffic into Norrland. Inlandsbanan was considered a main line for a few decades, but is now a tourist railway only. The main lines are still owned by the state, except Inlandsbanan which is owned by the counties.

[edit] Railway links with adjacent countries

[edit] See also

[edit] External links