RAF Third Tactical Air Force

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The RAF Third Tactical Air Force (Third TAF), which was formed in south Asia in December 1943, was one of three tactical air forces formed by the Royal Air Force during World War II. It was made up of squadrons and personnel from the RAF and the air forces of the British Commonwealth. Third TAF was formed shortly after the establishment of South East Asia Command to provide close air support to the Fourteenth Army.

It was first formed on 19 December 1943 designated the Tactical Air Force (Burma) and renamed as the Third TAF on 28 December 1943. Along with parts of the USAAF Tenth Air Force, it was subordinate to Joint Allied Eastern Air Command which was also formed in December 1943.[1]

As the Air Force was formed, it was felt that at last British forces could go over to the offensive against the Japanese in the Burma Campaign. A start was made towards establishing a general offensive in Arakan in early 1943, but this was forestalled by a Japanese offensive. The Japanese were decisively beaten, but they shifted the focus of their attack to central Burma. Third TAF gave sterling service to Fourteenth Army during the Battle of Kohima and the Battle of Imphal, strafing and bombing the besieging Japanese troops, often at very low level.

After the defeat of the Japanese by Indian IV and XXXIII Corps in Assam, the monsoon intervened before many counterattacks could take place. After the enforced period of reduced operations, the Third TAF supported the advance of Fourteenth Army against the Japanese forces. However, command arrangement changes at the end of 1944 cutting short the life of the Third TAF. It was redesignated HQ RAF Bengal and Burma on 4 December 1944.[1]

The Third TAF had two commanders, Air Vice Marshal John Baldwin up until August 15 1944, and then Air Marshal Sir Alec Coryton.

The Third TAF had two Groups:

  1. No. 221 Group RAF supporting Indian IV Corps.
    • During the battle of Imphal there were seldom more than seven squadrons engaged at one time but over the three months' of the siege altogether 21 squadrons took part: including three from the Indian Air Force (Nos. 1, 7 and 9). The R.A.F. squadrons were Nos. 5, 11, 20, 28, 34, 42, 60, 81, 82, 84, 110, 113, 123, 136, 152, 176, 607 and 615.
  2. No. 224 Group RAF ( commanding officer Air Commodore Alexander Gray) supporting Indian XV Corps. In the 1943–44 campaigning season, this Group comprised:
    • Three RAF fighter squadrons equipped with Spitfires (this campaign marked the first time Spitfires were being used in South-East Asia)
    • Six fighter-bomber squadrons with Hurricanes (mainly IIc variants)
    • A single tactical reconnaissance squadron No. 6 Squadron IAF equipped with the Hurricane IIb
    • Two light bomber squadrons (one of which was No. 8 Squadron IAF commanded by Squadron-Leader Niranjan Prasa] ), equipped with Vultee Vengeances.

[edit] Squadrons

Squadron 'Group Date Joined Date Left Details
No. 1 Squadron IAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 6 Squadron IAF 224
No. 7 Squadron Indian Air Force 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 8 Squadron IAF 224
No. 9 Squadron IAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 5 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 11 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 20 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 22 Squadron RAF 224 1942 Duration Equipping with Beaufighters, undertook anti-shipping rocket attacks. A month after the Japanese surrender, No. 22 Squadron disbanded.
No. 28 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 34 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 42 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 60 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 81 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 82 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 84 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 110 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 113 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 123 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 136 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 152 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 176 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 177 Squadron RAF 224 Twin-engined, long range, ground attack fighters, Canadians formed a significant percentage of the pilots. During its two year of operations in Burma, it destroyed or damaged 266 locomotives and trains, 673 vehicles, a score of river and ocean-going vessels and nine aircraft on the ground.
No. 211 Squadron RAF January 8 1944 Duration
No. 152 Squadron RAF 221 December 19, 1943 Duration Fought in the battle of Imphal, operated from front-line strips and supported the Fourteenth Army during its final conquest of Burma.
No. 607 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal
No. 615 Squadron RAF 221 Fought in the battle of Imphal

[edit] Notes

  1. ^  a Air of Authority - A History of RAF Organisation: Overseas Commands - Iraq, India and the Far East

[edit] External links