Talk:Radeon R520

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The X1000 series is a brand new core technology. I plan to use this new page to tidy up a lot of the ATI content. Timharwoodx 20:08, 18 December 2005 (UTC)

Okay, I've now done some of the content copying. The NVIDIA pages are grouped by cores, and most people seem pretty happy with that, so I see no reason not to group ATI content following the same schema. Timharwoodx 17:36, 22 December 2005 (UTC)


[edit] R580 core mistakenly listed as R520

I have no idea how to change this but the X1900XT and X1900XTX are codenamed R580 and should not be listed under cores for R520.

It's still based on the R520. In fact, there shouldn't be another article about a seperate GPU unless it's really another generation. The R520 and R580 are in the same generation, the R500. Do we go around at nVidia GPU's, putting the G71 (I believe this is the GeForce 7600GT) in a different article? No. I think nVIDIA made like multiple revisions on the NV60 core, yet they're still in the same area. Just because it's under a different code name, doesn't make it totally different and seperate article worthy. This article is meant for GPU's that are either based on the R520, or that is within the same generation. Want examples? The R420 series. There's an R480, but is that in a seperate article? No.

So why don't we name the article R500? Then everyone's happy.

R580 is here because it is in the same family as R520. For the most part, they are extremely similar chips. The ATI articles are all named after the first high-end GPU core of the family. And, R500 is NOT a chip that really exists at all. The Xbox 360 GPU was known as R500 for a while (later "C1", now Xenos) and is the closest part that fits that title. It is totally different than the R520 series. Do not put all of this into some R500 article. It would be plain wrong. --Swaaye 19:42, 7 March 2007 (UTC)

Oh, and if you happen to be BadDog, stop changing the HDRR section. User: XenoL-Type 11:18, May 22, 2006 (UTC -7)

just to correct a few here, the G71 was the 7900GTX the G73 is the 7600GT and there is no NV60, though that would be a Geforce 9800. Candle 86 03:50, 24 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Incorrect clockspeeds?

The clockspeeds for the X1300Pro seem to be wrong- (they're higher than everything else) The Adept 18:45, 23 February 2006 (UTC)

The lower end chips have shaders disabled, and ramp up the clockspeed to make up for the major disadvantage. Blitz Tiger 23:31, 9 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Adding models as necessary; requests

This list might need further updates. I suggest including X1900 All-in-wonder chip and X1400 mobile chip, but I can't find their specifications anywhere.

Further asking for necessary additions. Club3D is shipping X1800 RX and X1900 RX cards, that seem to be variations of GT/GTO cards. would it be necessary to refer to these? Are they Club3D's own models or do they have official ATI specifications?

[edit] Other

Wouldn't it be helpful if someone added the base prices?

Naw, this isnt pricegrabber. Plus they change too frequently. Deusfaux 04:09, 7 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] RAM size info

Could someone write down the ram info for me. The other chip series has it but not this.

[edit] Pro Duals

I know they're far too away from mainstream, but should this article mention those "variants" a little bit...? Such as the "X1950 Pro Dual"... -- 02:23, 4 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] X1700 not supported by ATI

Sorry I'm a newbie and this is my first wiki-idea. I'm a user at,and people there are really fed-up with lack of ATI.AMD support for X1700,people are forced to edit catalyst mobility drivers and force it to support X1700 or download the drivers from their notebook providers (ASUS and Samsung are one's that I am aware of). So it's good to add a bit of criticism about lack of support for X1700. Thank you all. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 19:29, 5 April 2007 (UTC).

[edit] What comes next?

Does anyone know what the next ATI line is? I seem to recall seeing an article on it, but there are no links to it (if it does exist) here or on the main ATI page. Maury 18:40, 13 April 2007 (UTC)

[[Radeon R600]. -- 09:28, 19 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] What about RV550?

I can't find any information about RV550 with Universal Video Decoder. I heard that RV550 was for OEM only. Is that true? -- 09:28, 19 April 2007 (UTC)