Radio frequency

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Radio frequency (RF) is a frequency or rate of oscillation within the range of about 3 Hz to 300 GHz. This range corresponds to frequency of alternating current electrical signals used to produce and detect radio waves. Since most of this range is beyond the vibration rate that most mechanical systems can respond to, RF usually refers to oscillations in electrical circuits or electromagnetic radiation.


[edit] Special properties of RF electrical signals

Electrical currents that oscillate at RF have special properties not shared by direct current signals. One such property is the ease with which it can ionize air to create a conductive path through air. This property is exploited by 'high frequency' units used in electric arc welding. Another special property is an electromagnetic force that drives the RF current to the surface of conductors, known as the skin effect. Another property is the ability to appear to flow through paths that contain insulating material, like the dielectric insulator of a capacitor. The degree of effect of these properties depends on the frequency of the signals.

[edit] Frequencies

Name Symbol Frequency Wavelength Applications
Extremely low frequency ELF 3 to 30 Hz 10,000 km to 100,000 km audible 20+ Hz, communication with submarines
Super low frequency SLF 30 to 300 Hz 1,000 km to 10,000 km audible, AC power grids (50 hertz and 60 hertz)
Ultra low frequency ULF 300 to 3000 Hz 100 to 1000 km audible, communication with mines
Very low frequency VLF 3 to 30 kHz 10 to 100 km audible range 20 Hz to 20 kHz (to be audible, energy must be simply converted to sound)
Low frequency LF 30 to 300 kHz 1 to 10 km international broadcasting, navigational beacons, lowFER
Medium frequency MF 300 to 3000 kHz 100 m to 1 km navigational beacons, AM broadcasting, maritime and aviation communication
High frequency HF 3 to 30 MHz 10 to 100 m shortwave, citizens' band radio
Very high frequency VHF 30 to 300 MHz 1 to 10 m FM broadcasting, broadcast television, aviation
Ultra high frequency UHF 300 to 3000 MHz 10 to 100 cm broadcast television, mobile telephones, wireless networking, microwave ovens
Super high frequency SHF 3 to 30 GHz 1 to 10 cm wireless networking, satellite links.
Extremely high frequency EHF 30 to 300 GHz 1 to 10 mm microwave data links, radio astronomy, remote sensing, advanced weapons systems, advanced security scanning

[edit] See also

[edit] External links