Radical Pietism
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Radical Pietism refers to a movement within Protestantism, lasting from the late 17th century to the mid 18th century and later, which emphasized the need for a "religion of the heart" instead of the head, and was characterized by ethical purity, inward devotion, charity, and even mysticism. Leadership was empathetic to adherents instead of being strident loyalists to sacramentalism.
The Pietistic movement was birthed in Germany through spiritual pioneers who wanted a deeper emotional experience rather than a preset adherence to form (no matter how genuine). They stressed a personal experience of salvation and a continuous openness to new spiritual illumination.
They also taught that personal holiness (piety), spiritual maturity, Bible study and prayer were essential towards "feeling the effects" of grace.
As a movement, Pietism influenced individuals who chose to remain within their denominational settings (usually referred to as Church Pietists), as well as those who decided to break with their established churches and form other groups. The latter were known as Radical Pietists. These distinguished between true and false Christianity (usually represented by established churches), which led to their separation from these entities.
[edit] Communitarian living
A common trait among radical Pietists, is that they formed communities where they sought to revive the original Christian living of the Acts of the Apostles.
The pietistic influence manifested itself in many ways. Among them was Johannes Kelpius (1673-1708), leader of an early communitarian group who came to America from Germany in 1694. Conrad Beissel (1691-1768), founder of another early pietistic communitarian group, the Ephrata Cloister, was also particularly affected by Radical Pietism's emphasis on personal experience and separation from false Christianity and the church of true inspiration that later moved to Amana, IA. The Harmony Society (1785-1906) was another German-American religious group, albeit heterodox, influenced by Radical Pietism.
Parallel developments can be seen in other countries during the same period. In Sweden, a group of radical pietists formed a community, the "Skevikarna", on an island outside of Stockholm, were they lived much like the Ephrata people, for nearly a century.
[edit] References
- "Rise of Pietism in 17th Century Germany", Ronald J. Gordon.