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The Racer primary was developed in 1953 Los Alamos for the first generation of US thermonuclear weapons, the TX-14, TX-16, and TX-17 bombs.

Racer was tested in the Upshot-Knothole series of tests with mockup secondary stages as shots Nancy (TX-14), Badger (TX-16) and Simon (TX-17).

During the Upshot-Knothole tests the Racer had proven to have inconsistent yield varying from 23 kilotons in the Badger shot to 43 kilotons in the Simon shot.

Racer was the primary for three of the devices tested in four shots ofi the Castle series. They were shots Castle Bravo (Shrimp device), Castle Romeo (Runt), Union (Alarm Clock) and Yankee (Runt II).

The design was revised and RACER IV was the version used as the primary in the stockpiled Mk-14 and Mk-17 bombs.