User:R Lowry

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello from somewhere in England.

I'm a sort of eternal student with a Masters in Literature and an interest in most Humanities subjects: History, Philosophy, etcetera. I read on one of the Wikipedia introductory pages that these are subjects that tend to be under-represented here, so maybe I can be of some use. Then again (like a lot of people here), I have one of those grasshopper minds that can get interested in just about anything, so I've also been poking about here and there and seeing what else I can contribute. And wondering how long I can stay in the top 500 contributors without developing repetitive strain injury.

I occasionally edit anonymously when I'm at work; the record for those edits is at I can only take credit / blame for some of the edits on that list, though — evidently, other people (don't know who) also edit from the same IP address. Most of mine were between 14th December '04 and 27th May '05, though frankly I'm damned if I can remember exactly which ones. R Lowry (Talk)


[edit] Miscellany

[edit] A handy link or two for general reference

en dash –
em dash —
which frankly I didn't know about until I read the above article.

[edit] Not necessarily stuff that I've worked on, just interesting-looking articles to check out some day

  • Consumerium

[edit] Putting these links here because I can't think of anywhere else to put them just now