Qur'an alone

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Qur'an alone Muslims, Qur'anic Muslims, or sometimes Anti-Hadith Muslims, is a term used to refer to Muslims who reject hadith, or reported traditions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, and follow the Qur'an, a sacred text of Islam, exclusively.


[edit] Qur'anist / Qur'an Alone groups

[edit] The Ahle Qur'an

"Ahle Qur’an", a group formed by Abdullah Chakralawi[citation needed], rely entirely on the chapters and verses of the Qur’an. Chakralawi's position was that the Qur’an itself was the most perfect source of tradition and could be exclusively followed. According to him, Muhammad could receive only one form of revelation (wahy), and that was the Qur'an. He argues that the Qur'an was the only record of divine wisdom, the only source of Muhammad's teachings, and that it superseded the entire corpus of hadith[1].

[edit] Bazm-e-Tolu-e-Islam

Main article: Tolu-e-Islam

(English: Resurgence of Islam) is a Pakistani based organization whose followers can be found throughout the world.[citation needed] The movement was initiated by Ghulam Ahmed Pervez, a Qur'anic scholar. Focusing on Qur'anic teachings, he was willing to re-interpret Qur'anic verses and place little or no emphasis on hadiths.[dubious ] Unlike some other groups, Tolu-e-Islam followers do not reject all hadiths; however, they only accept hadiths which "are in accordance with the Holy Qur'an" and "do not blemish the personality of [Muhammad] and/or his companions." The organization is loosely controlled. It publishes books, pamphlets, and recordings of Pervez's speeches.[citation needed]

[edit] United Submitters International

The term is closely associated with the late Rashad Khalifa, founder of the United Submitters International. While the USI do not refer to themselves as "Muslim" or claim to be "Islamic," they follow the Qur'an alone. The group popularized the phrase: the Qur'an, the whole Qur'an, and nothing but the Qur'an. After Khalifa declared himself a messenger of God, he was rejected as an apostate of Islam. He was assassinated in 1990. Beside following the Qur'an-only philosophy they also believe that there is a mathematical structure in the Qur'an based on the number 19 [1].

[edit] Opposing viewpoints

Shi'as and Sunnis have sometimes called Qur'an Alone Muslims Qur'aniyyun (قرآنيون), loosely translated as "Qur'an people" or Qur'anites. All Sunnis and Shi'as agree that hadith are an integral part of understanding and implementing Islamic teachings.[dubious ] They argue that the Qur'an itself says that both Allah and the messenger (Muhammad) are to be obeyed, as no less than a dozen verses in the Qur'an stress obedience to Allah and the messenger. It is also pointed out that the phenomenon of "Quran-only" itself is about a hundred years old and no similar ideas had any popularity in muslim history. Some Sunni clerics have directed several fatwas [2] [3] against Qur'an Alone Muslims.

Taking example of changing of Qiblah in Chapter 2 "And We appointed the Qiblah which you formerly observed..." where the qiblah that was formerly observed is nowhere mentioned in the quran, the opposite parties argue that commands from God to Mohammad exist even outside Quran, found in his Hadith and Sunnah. Quran Alone Muslims counter this by saying that Qiblah merely means direction and the above verse has nothing todo with any physical place of worship but that Muhammad was given the right direction to follow.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Ahmad, Aziz, Islamic Modernism in India and Pakistan 1857-1964, Oxford University Press, 1967, pp 120-121

[edit] Further reading

  • Daniel Brown, Rethinking Tradition in Modern Islamic Thought ISBN 0-521-65394-0
  • Aisha Y. Musa, Hadith as Scripture: Discussions on the Authority of Prophetic Traditions in Islam, New York: Palgrave, 2008

ISBN-10: 0230605354

[edit] External links
