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Quick.Cart logo
Developed by Open Solution
Latest release 3.0 / April 11, 2008
OS Cross-platform
Genre E-commerce
License Creative Commons Attribution 2.5
Website [1]

Quick.Cart is a freeware shopping cart software based on a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 licence. It is written in PHP, so it runs on most internet servers. It does not require using SQL-type database as it writes all data to secure text files. It makes this tool easy to install. Quick.Cart is made for rather small and medium-sized shops. While adding more than 2000 products it can work slower.

[edit] Features

The general features includes:

  • products management,
  • pages and subpages management,
  • orders management,
  • shipping and payment management,
  • languages management,
  • searching products,
  • sending and printing orders.

Design: Quick.Cart is based on templates system so it is easy to change script's design without integration in its functionality.In order to do so, you have to upload some files on server.

Features: Quick.Cart has built-in many basic options, but if you need some more advanced functionalities, it can be insufficient. As it is quite easy to change design, while modifing mechanism of this tool, you need php skills.

Standards :

  • compatible with XHTML 1.1,
  • WAI
  • compatible with settings of most popular servers.

It is also possible to extend application's functionality by plugins instalation.

[edit] Support

It is supported by a web forum, where most problems concerning Quick.Cart are solved. There is also documentation on official page of Quick.Cart. It contains description of Quick.Cart and basic modifications.

[edit] External links