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Qubeley is a fictional Mobile Suit from Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam & Mobile Suit ZZ Gundam. This Mobile Suit is famous in either army of Zeon or Axis. Its unusual name is a corruption of the Greek goddess Cybele.


[edit] AMX-004 Qubeley

A next-generation mobile suit development of the Principality of Zeon's MAN-08 Elmeth mobile armor, the AMX-004 Qubeley was designed and built by Axis military leader Haman Karn for her personal use. In addition to featuring a large set of wing binders on its shoulders to assist in AMBAC (Active Mass Balance AutoControl), it carried a pair of dual-purpose beam launchers/beam sabers for close combat and a tail binder containing a set of funnels, a smaller and cheaper version of the Elmeth's bits. These small remote weapons, while still armed with a beam gun and thrusters for movement, were powered by an energy cap system which required recharging aboard the Qubeley after a certain amount of time. Controlled by a Newtype pilot's thoughts via the psycommu ("psychic communicator") system, the funnels turned the Qubeley into a truly deadly unit, capable of attacking enemies from beyond visual range. The Qubeley would remain Haman's personal mobile suit throughout the Gryps War and the Neo Zeon War, with its design serving as the basis for the later AMX-004G Qubeley Mass Production Type.

[edit] AMX-004 Qubeley Mk-II

There are 2 Qubeley Mk-II, which had different identification codes and colour schemes.

[edit] AMX-004-2 Qubeley Mk-II

Following the successful performance of Axis/Neo Zeon leader Haman Karn's AMX-004 Qubeley mobile suit, two improved Qubeley Mark IIs were approved for construction. The first of these new Qubeleys, the AMX-004-2, was built and deployed during the First Neo Zeon War in UC 0088. Aside from its new paint scheme, the only notable technical difference between this first Mark II and the original Qubeley was the addition of two extra funnel remote weapons. The AMX-004-2 served primarily as a test unit for its pilot, a 10-year-old girl named Elpeo Puru, and was used to determine and measure the girl's Newtype abilities. Though the Mark II's weapons - and Puru's abilities - would be a serious menace to the pilots of the AEUG carrier Argama, the Mark II would finally be damaged and captured, with Puru defecting to the AEUG to join her adopted "surrogate brother," MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam pilot Judau Ashta. Later on in the war, Puru sacrificed herself and her Qubeley Mark II to protect Judau against the threat of her own "blood" - a powerful Newtype clone named Puru Two.

[edit] AMX-004-3 Qubeley Mk-II

Following the successful performance of Axis/Neo Zeon leader Haman Karn's AMX-004 Qubeley mobile suit, two improved Qubeley Mark IIs were approved for construction. The second of these new Qubeleys, the AMX-004-3, was built and deployed during the First Neo Zeon War in UC 0088. Aside from its new paint scheme, the AMX-004-3 was virtually identical to its AMX-004-2 brethren, the only notable technical difference being its psycommu system modified to accept input from a "psycommu controller" headseat worn by the pilot. This system would allow the pilot to remote-control the mobile suit outside of its cockpit. The AMX-004-3 was piloted by Puru Two, a clone of the Newtype girl Elpeo Puru, who was the pilot of the AMX-004-2 Qubeley Mark II.

[edit] AMX-004G (AMX-017) Qubeley Mass Production Type

Following the successful testing of Newtype pilots Elpeo Puru and Puru Two using their Qubeley Mark-II mobile suits, Glemy Toto - claiming to be a genetically-engineered descendant of the late Principality of Zeon leader Gihren Zabi and intent on staging a coup against Haman Karn for control of Neo Zeon - began mass production of an improved Qubeley to be manned by his army of Puru Two clones. Called the AMX-004G Qubeley Mass Production Type, this production-line unit was introduced in the last days of the First Neo Zeon War. Although in many ways similar to the Qubeley Mark-IIs, the Mass Production Type featured greater firepower in two areas: a pair of "active cannons" on its backpack, capable of firing in a wide arc covering both the mobile suit's front and rear; and a larger-capacity tail binder, capable of holding 30 remote funnel weapons. With a Newtype army at his command, Glemy would start his civil war against Haman; however, very determined Haman loyalists - aided by a lot of luck and a bit of their own Newtype abilities - stopped the Puru clones and their mass-produced Qubeleys, resulting in an almost complete mutual annihilation of both Neo Zeon factions. Early production models were painted gray, but the final production models were rolled out in a black paint scheme similar to the Qubeley Mark-II. Some records also indicate that the Qubeley Mass Production Type was also assigned the model number AMX-017, though this piece of trivia is debatable.

[edit] AMX-001/MSN-08 Prototype Qubeley

Originally designed in UC 0080, the AMX-001/MSN-08 Prototype Qubeley was intended to be a mobile suit-sized version of the MAN-08 Elmeth, the first mobile weapon to use wireless bits. The construction was mainly done by the Flanagan Institute, which had collected the Elmeth's remains from its final resting place. However, due to technical limitations at the time, the psycommu system could not be loaded into a normal-sized mobile suit. As a result, the Prototype Qubeley was 25 meters tall to accommodate the control system. Its other weapons included the Elmeth's mega particle cannons, integrated into its body near its arms, and a single beam saber. Because the Prototype Qubeley managed to have good efficiency in both weapons and overall performance, it would go on to be the basis of many Neo-Zeon Newtype mobile suits.
