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// [[User:Quarl/redirector.js]] - "Redirector" application // When you invoke the Redirector (through a tab), adds a new form to the // document. Start typing page names and press ENTER after each one. A table // will show the current status of each page (already a redirect, doesn't // exist, etc.), and if you click "Redirect!", the target page will be updated // to redirect to the current page. // quarl 2006-02-09 initial version // depends: util.js, wikipage.js, wikiedit.js, wikitabs.js // <pre><nowiki> var redirector = new Object(); // seconds between updates redirector.update_interval = 1.0; // maximum number of concurrent requests redirector.max_concurrent_requests = 5; redirector._entries = []; redirector._requests_in_progress = 0; = function() { = '<a><b>Redirector</b></a>'; // prevent future clicks redirector.annotateDocument(); } addStylesheetRule = function(tag, style) { var ss = document.styleSheets[0]; if (ss.insertRule) { ss.insertRule(tag + '{' + style + '}', ss.cssRules.length); } else if (ss.addRule) { ss.addRule(tag, style); } } redirector.annotateDocument = function() { if (document.getElementById('redirector')) { // already done, called again for some reason return; } addStylesheetRule('#redirector', 'border: 1px solid red; padding: 1em;'); addStylesheetRule('#redirector .redirectorStatus .downloading', 'color:grey'); addStylesheetRule('#redirector .redirectorStatus .empty', 'color:black'); addStylesheetRule('#redirector .redirectorStatus .toHere', 'color:green'); addStylesheetRule('#redirector .redirectorStatus .toElsewhere', 'color:red'); addStylesheetRule('#redirector .redirectorStatus .notRedirect', 'color:red'); addStylesheetRule('#redirector .redirectorStatus .done', 'color:green'); addStylesheetRule('#redirector .redirectorStatus .previous', 'text-decoration: line-through; color: #888;'); var divLoc = document.getElementById('jump-to-nav'); if (!divLoc) { alert("Redirector: couldn't get 'jump-to-nav' (error d5153643-a8c1-46ad-8d8e-c5d3fe066c77)"); return null; } redirector.doc = new Object(); redirector.doc.div = document.createElement('div'); = 'redirector'; redirector.doc.div.innerHTML = ( '<h2>Redirector</h2>' + 'Enter names of articles to redirect to <tt>''</tt>, and press ENTER after each one:' + '<form id="rcInputForm"><input type="text" id="rcConsole" name="rcConsole" size="60" value="''" />' + '<input type="submit" onclick="javascript:return redirector.inputClicked()" value="Enter" />' + '<input type="submit" onclick="javascript:return redirector.resetClicked()" value="Clear all" />' + '</form>' + '<table id="rcStatus" class="prettytable"><tr><th>Page</th><th>Status</th><th>Action</th></table>' ); add_after(divLoc, redirector.doc.div); redirector.doc.rcConsole = document.getElementById('rcConsole'); redirector.doc.rcStatus = document.getElementById('rcStatus'); redirector.doc.rcConsole.focus(); redirector._timerUpdate(); } redirector.inputClicked = function() { var target = trimspaces(redirector.doc.rcConsole.value); if (!target) return false; if (target == return false; redirector.addEntry(target); // redirector.doc.rcConsole.value =; return false; } redirector.resetClicked = function() { for (var i in redirector._entries) { redirector._entries[i].clearentry = true; } return false; } redirector.addEntry = function(s) { var t = new Object(); // wiki page t.wp = new WikiPage(null, s); if (!t.wp) return; // delete old entry if any for (var i in redirector._entries) { if (redirector._entries[i] == { redirector._entries[i].clearentry = true; } } // object for document status nodes. null = not yet added t.statusnode = null; // download request status. 0 = not yet initiated; 1 = initiated; 2 = // finished t.downloadstatus = 0; // WikiEditor instance t.editor = null; // string value of old contents of target page t.oldcontents = null; t.oldredirect = null; // whether user has clicked "update" button t.updatewanted = false; // whether update requires confirmation t.updatedangerous = false; // update request status. 0 = not yet initiated; 1 = iniatited; 2 = // completed t.updatestatus = 0; // whether this entry should be cleared when done with it t.clearentry = false; t.ignore = false; redirector._entries.push(t); redirector.update(); } // main action loop redirector.update = function() { for (var i in redirector._entries) { var t = redirector._entries[i]; if (t.ignore) continue; if (t.clearentry) { // only clear it if nothing in progress if ((t.downloadstatus == 0 || t.downloadstatus == 2) && (t.updatestatus == 0 || t.updatestatus == 2)) {; t.ignore = true; continue; } } if (!t.statusnode) { redirector._addStatusNode(t); } if (redirector._requests_in_progress < redirector.max_concurrent_requests) { if (t.downloadstatus == 0) { redirector._initiateDownload(t); } else if (t.downloadstatus == 2 && t.updatewanted && t.updatestatus == 0) { redirector._initiateUpdate(t); } } } } redirector._timerUpdate = function() { redirector.update(); setTimeout(redirector._timerUpdate, redirector.update_interval * 1000); } redirector._addStatusNode = function(t) { t.statusnode = new Object(); = document.createElement('tr'); = document.createElement('td'); var url = t.wp.qurl + '&redirect=no'; var urlEdit = t.wp.qurl + '&action=edit'; = ( '<a href="' + url + '">' + + '</a>' + ' [<a href="' + urlEdit +'">edit</a>]'); t.statusnode.status = document.createElement('td'); t.statusnode.status.className = 'redirectorStatus'; t.statusnode.status.innerHTML = '...'; t.statusnode.action = document.createElement('td'); t.statusnode.button = document.createElement('button'); t.statusnode.button.onclick = function() { redirector._actionClick(t) }; t.statusnode.button.disabled = true; t.statusnode.button.innerHTML = 'please wait'; t.statusnode.action.appendChild(t.statusnode.button);;;; redirector.doc.rcStatus.appendChild(; } redirector._actionClick = function(t) { if (t.updatedangerous) { if (!window.confirm("The target is not a redirect. Are you sure?")) return; } t.updatewanted = true; t.statusnode.button.disabled = true; } redirector._initiateDownload = function(t) { t.downloadstatus = 1; redirector._requests_in_progress ++; t.statusnode.status.innerHTML = '<span class="downloading">downloading...</span>'; t.wp.getEditorAsync(redirector._downloadComplete, t); } redirector._downloadComplete = function(editor, t) { t.downloadstatus = 2; redirector._requests_in_progress --; t.editor = editor; t.oldcontents = t.editor.wpTextbox1; if (t.oldcontents.match(/^(?:\s|\n)*$/)) { t.status = 'empty'; t.statustext = "empty"; t.statusnode.button.innerHTML = 'Create redirect!'; t.statusnode.button.disabled = false; } else if (t.oldcontents.match(/^\s*#REDIRECT \[\[(.+?)\]\]/i)) { t.oldredirect = RegExp.$1; t.oldredirectwp = new WikiPage(null, t.oldredirect); if (t.oldredirect == { t.status = 'toHere'; t.statustext = 'redirect to here'; t.statusnode.button.innerHTML = 'Nothing to do!'; t.statusnode.button.disabled = true; } else { t.status = 'toElsewhere'; t.statustext = 'redirect to <a href="'+t.oldredirectwp.url+'">''</a>'; t.statusnode.button.innerHTML = 'Alter redirect!'; t.updatedangerous = true; t.statusnode.button.disabled = false; } } else { t.status = 'notRedirect'; t.old_wordcount = t.oldcontents.split(/\s+/).length; t.statustext = 'non-redirect (' + t.old_wordcount + ' words)'; t.statusnode.button.innerHTML = 'Change to redirect'; t.updatedangerous = true; t.statusnode.button.disabled = false; } t.statusnode.status.innerHTML = '<span class="'+t.status+'">' + t.statustext + '</span>'; } redirector._initiateUpdate = function(t) { t.updatestatus = 1; t.statusnode.button.innerHTML = 'Submitting...'; redirector._requests_in_progress ++; var rd = t.editor.wpTextbox1 = '#REDIRECT [[' + + ']]\n'; if (t.status == 'empty') { t.editor.wpSummary = 'Creating ' + rd; } else if (t.status == 'toElsewhere') { t.editor.wpSummary = 'Changing redirect from [[' + + ']] to ' + rd; } else if (t.status == 'notRedirect') { t.editor.wpSummary = 'Changing article (' + t.old_wordcount + ' words) to ' + rd; } else { alert("internal error 3056fdaf-1147-4433-8334-d92eb2ffd8b7"); return; } t.editor.submitAsync(null, redirector._updateComplete, t); } redirector._updateComplete = function(editor, t) { t.updatestatus = 2; t.statusnode.button.innerHTML = 'Done!'; redirector._requests_in_progress --; t.statusnode.status.innerHTML = '<span class="done">Updated! (<span class="previous">' + t.statustext + '</span>)</span>'; } redirector._load = function() { if (wikiPage.nsSpecialP) return; = wikitabs.addToolboxLink('', 'Redirector', 'ca-redirector'); } addOnloadHook(redirector._load); // </nowiki></pre>