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// User:Quarl/alexafy.js - adds "alexa" links to external links // requires addlilink.js, util.js // quarl 2005-01-10 new AJAX version that annotates page asynchronously with rank // I tried to create a version that automatically downloads the Alexa rank and annotates the page, but I think it's disallowed because it's not from the same domain. So it would be impossible without a server-side helper script on // based on //add Alexafy link to toolbar function addToolboxAlexafy() { addToolboxLink('javascript:alexafyLinks()','Alexa-fy links','alexafyLinks') } function alexafyWhitelistedP(url) { if (url.match(/ return true; return false; } function alexafyLinks() { var content=document.getElementById('content'); var externallinks=getElementsByClass('external',content,'a'); for (i in externallinks) { var alink=externallinks[i]; if (alexafyWhitelistedP(alink.href)) continue; alexafy_asyncAnnotateLink(alink); } } function alexafy_asyncAnnotateLink(alink) { var alexaUrl = makeAlexaTrafficUrl(alink.href); var dnode = document.createElement('span'); dnode.innerHTML = ' [<a href="'+alexaUrl+'">Alexa</a>]'; add_after(alink, dnode); // XXX this doesn't work because of permissions. see top. //alexafy_asyncGetRank(dnode,alexaUrl); } function makeAlexaTrafficUrl(url) { return '' + url; } function alexafy_asyncGetRank(dnode, alexaUrl) { var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.dnode = dnode; // using onload instead of onreadystatechange allows multiple asynchronous requests req.onload = alexafy_asyncReqCont;"GET", alexaUrl, true); req.send(null); } function alexafy_asyncReqCont(event) { req =; if (req.readyState!=4) return; if (req.status == 200) { if (req.responseText.match(/<span.*?Traffic Rank for\t*(.*?):<\/span><span.*?-->([0-9,]+)<\/span>/)) { var domain = RegExp.$1; var rank = RegExp.$2; alexafy_annotateDoc(req.dnode, domain, rank); return; //<span class="body"> Traffic Rank for</span><span class="descBold"> <!--Did you know? Alexa offers this data programmatically. Visit for more information about the Alexa Web Information Service.-->123,456</span> } if (req.responseText.match(/<span.*?Traffic Rank for.*?No Data/)) { //<span class="body"> Traffic Rank for :</span> No Data<br> alexafy_annotateDoc(req.dnode, null, 'No data'); return; } } alexafy_annotateDoc(req.dnode, null, 'Error'); } function alexafy_annotateDoc(dnode, domain, rank) { var msg; if (rank == 'Error') { msg = "couldn't get Alexa rank"; } else if (rank == 'No data') { msg = "no traffic data"; } else { msg = "traffic rank for "+domain+" is "+rank; } dnode.innerHTML = dnode.innerHTML.substr(0,dnode.innerHTML.length-1) + msg + "]"; } addOnloadHook(addToolboxAlexafy);