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Quackwatch has been edited continually since 2004. Over that period of time, consensus has been established on certain topics through numerous discussions on this talk page in order to avoid edit warring. Please be sure to check the topics below to see if your concerns have already been addressed. Keep in mind, that this does not reflect any sort of final say on things — only a grouping of points we've already argued to tentative conclusion.
Everyone is always welcome and encouraged to voice their concerns at any time, because consensus can always change.
  1. What is the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything?
    The consensus is currently that it's 42, though we're still trying to figure out the question that prompted this answer (prior debate).
  2. What image should we include on the page to demonstrate that hell really has frozen over?
    Currently most editors believe that Image:Gustave_Dore_Inferno34.jpg most effectively demonstrates the idea that the 9th circle of hell really already has frozen over.