Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics

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The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics is a scholarly, refereed journal published quarterly by Transaction Periodicals Consortium and the Mises Institute. The QJAE was founded in 1998, but it is recognized as a continuation of the Review of Austrian Economics, which was founded by Murray Rothbard in 1987 and edited by Rothbard, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Walter Block, and Joseph Salerno.

According to the Mises Institute's website,

The mission [of the QJAE] now, as it was when it was adopted from Rothbard, is "to promote the development and extension of Austrian economics and to promote the analysis of contemporary issues in the mainstream of economics from an Austrian perspective."

Joseph Salerno is Editor of the journal, with Jeffrey M. Herbener serving as Associate Editor, and Mark Thornton as Book Review Editor. The Managing Editor of the QJAE, as with the Journal of Libertarian Studies, is the Mises Institute's Judith Thommesan.

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