Quality Migrant Admission Scheme

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Quality Migrant Admission Scheme
Traditional Chinese: 優秀人才入境計劃
Simplified Chinese: 优秀人才入境计划

The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme ("QMAS") is a points-based immigration system in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.[1][2] It was first announced in February 2006, and began accepting applications in June of the same year; by the end of 2007, 322 people had been admitted to residence in Hong Kong under the scheme.[3][4][5]


[edit] History

General points test[6][7]
Points Years old
Old New
0 30 18-24
25 30 25-29
30 30 30-34
25 30 35-39
15 20 40-44
5 15 45-50
N/A 0 51+
Points Degrees
Old New
45 45 Two doctorates
40 40 One doctorate or two master's
30 30 One master's or two bachelor's
20 20 One bachelor's
Working experience in a job requiring a bachelor's degree or professional qualification
Points Years
Old New Total Managerial
50 50 10 >5
40 40 5 >2
30 30 5 0-2
0 10 2 0-2
Languages spoken and written fluently
Points Languages
Old New
20 20 Both Chinese and English
0 15 One of Chinese or English, plus an additional language
0 10 One of Chinese or English
Spoken fluency in Chinese may be demonstrated using either Cantonese or Mandarin
Add points for each qualifying item
Points Description
Old New
5 5 Per unmarried child under the age of 18, up to 10 points
5 5 Accompanied by a spouse holding at least a bachelor's degree
5 5 Direct family member is a Hong Kong permanent resident

With the aim of attracting talented people from mainland China and the rest of the world to settle and work in Hong Kong, the QMAS set up admissions criteria under which applicants could be admitted to residence in Hong Kong without the prior offer of local employment required for a normal working visa. The scheme was first announced in February 2006.[3] It began accepting applications on 28 June of that year, with a quota of 1,000 applicants. The scheme included two methods of assessment: a general points test, under which applicants would be awarded points based on their education, age, working experience, language abilities, and family background, and an achievement-based test for people such as Olympic medalists, Nobel laureates, or scientists and professionals with significant recognition in their field.[4] Six people applied in the first week; however, the government waited until November 2006 to issue the first visa under the scheme, to pianist Lang Lang.[8][9]

As early as November 2007, the government floated the idea of loosening the criteria for admission under the QMAS, due to the underwhelming response; by the end of 2007, only 322 people had qualified for the scheme, 42 under the achievement-based points test and 280 under the general points test.[1][5] 188 came from mainland China.[10] Details of the amendments to the scheme were announced in January 2008; the age limit for applicants was raised from 50 to 55, points would be awarded for as little as two years of working experience as opposed to five before the amendment, and applicants could receive points for abilities in languages other than Chinese or English.[2][5]

[edit] Details

  1. Age: Applicants must be aged between 18 and 50
  2. Financial Requirement: Applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are capable of supporting and accommodating themselves and their dependants, if any, on their own without relying on public assistance during their stay in Hong Kong;
  3. Good Character: Applicants must meet normal immigration and security requirements. They should not have any criminal or adverse immigration record in Hong Kong or elsewhere;
  4. Language Proficiency: Applicants must be proficient in Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese) or English;
  5. Basic Educational Qualification: Applicants must have a good education background, normally a first degree supported by documentary evidence. In special circumstances, good technical qualifications, proven professional abilities and/or experience and achievements supported by documentary evidence may be considered.

[edit] Notable examples

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d "HK to relax restrictions on immigration scheme", Eastday, 2007-11-10. Retrieved on 2008-01-16. 
  2. ^ a b Quality Migrant Admission Scheme: Achievement-based Points Test. Immigration Department, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (2007-02-14). Retrieved on 2008-01-17.
  3. ^ a b "Quality migrant scheme ready by June", News.gov.hk, 2006-02-23. Retrieved on 2008-01-16. 
  4. ^ a b "Quality migrant scheme applications open", News.gov.hk, 2006-06-28. Retrieved on 2008-01-16. 
  5. ^ a b c "“优才计划”:找到最适合香港的人才 (The Quality Migrant Admission Scheme: Finding talented individuals who best suit Hong Kong)", Xinhua News, 2008-01-16. Retrieved on 2008-01-16. (Chinese) 
  6. ^ Quality Migrant Admission Scheme: General Points Test. Immigration Department, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (2007-02-14). Retrieved on 2008-01-17.
  7. ^ Quality Migrant Admission Scheme: General Points Test. Immigration Department, Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (2008-01-18). Retrieved on 2008-01-21.
  8. ^ a b "鋼琴家郎朗成為香港優秀人才入境計劃第一人 (Pianist Lang Lang becomes first person in Quality Migrant Admission Scheme)", Xinhua News, 2006-11-28. Retrieved on 2008-01-17. (Chinese) 
  9. ^ "Hong Kong: City losing expat appeal", Taipei Times, 2006-07-07. Retrieved on 2008-01-17. 
  10. ^ "香港財經界成了海歸精英大舞臺 (Hong Kong finance industry becomes a big stage for elite returnees)", Hong Kong Economic Weekly, 2007-12-19. Retrieved on 2008-01-17. (Chinese) 
  11. ^ Hu wants to become a Hong Konger. The Standard (2008-03-12). Retrieved on 2008-03-21.
  12. ^ "深港音乐界携手 圣诞音乐会情定门德尔松 (Shenzhen, Hong Kong musicians join hands to sing Mendelssohn)", Shenzhen News, 2007-12-03. Retrieved on 2008-01-17. (Chinese) 
  13. ^ "李雲迪:成為香港居民感到榮幸 (Li Yundi: I feel honoured to become a Hong Kong resident)", Wen Wei Po, 2007-01-15. Retrieved on 2008-01-17. (Chinese) 
  14. ^ "傳內地女星章子怡憑優秀人才成為香港居民 (Mainland star Zhang Ziyi becomes Hong Kong resident under QMAS)", Xinhua News, 2007-09-17. Retrieved on 2008-01-17. (Chinese) 