Quaestor (European Parliament)

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Six Quaestors in the European Parliament look after the financial and administrative interests of Members of the European Parliament.

The current Quaestors, elected January 16, 2007, are:

Name Party EU Party Country
Mia de Vits Socialistische Partij-Anders PES Flag of Belgium Belgium
Szabolcs Fazakas Magyar Szocialista Párt PES Flag of Hungary Hungary
Astrid Lulling Chrëschtlech Sozial Vollekspartei EPP-ED Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg
Jim Nicholson Ulster Unionist Party EPP-ED Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom
Ingo Friedrich Christlich-Soziale Union in Bayern EPP-ED Flag of Germany Germany
Jan Mulder Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie ALDE Flag of the Netherlands Netherlands

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