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"You know, Lady Francis, there's not enough kindness in the world." Round Midnight "For we put the thought of all that we love into all that we make." [edit] RamblingsI like to form an image of the people I edit with. He are some jottings for anyone who feels a similar curiosity. For what it's worth hereabouts (nothing, of course, quite rightly), I have an MA in Modern History (in practice, medieval—thanks to the legendary Viv Green). I've decided to concentrate on the history of the period 1530–1630 because it fascinates me and is easy to find sources and pictures for. Also on the art of the period, plus the occasional painter from outside the period. (And for some unknown reason, I am now working on Mary Shelley: lots of work, involving reading seven blasted novels.) Main interests:
What I'm listening to at the moment: Miff Mole and Miff Mole and Miff Mole. What a genius. I've got the Miffology collection, which is mainly late twenties. Every time that genius starts tooting his trombone, I'm off my chair and dancing round the room (so it doesn't help the editing get done). To me, this stuff is up there with Charlie Parker, Stravinsky. I cry for this guy, who ended up selling pretzels on the subway, his style of music forgotten and unknown. Speaking of sad things (takes hat off), RIP my favourite band of the last two years Monkey Swallows the Universe. So instead of the two beautiful albums I own being the start of something huge, they're going to be the only thing. :( :( :( The only light in the tunnel is that Nat Johnson (and she's having a red link, come what may) is starting a solo career. Since she wrote and sang all the Monkeys' songs, who knows, the end may not be quite the end it seems. Best of luck to her! Can't stop playing the Lassus masses performed by Summerly and co. I somehow like womens' voices in this type of thing, despite having been a boy alto myself. The "swell" in this performance is gorgeous, reminding me of King Oliver's Creole Jazz Band, or those dancing buildings in Popeye cartoons. Garden. Hellebores still going, but not putting up the usual amount of new leaves, worryingly. White daffs, huge tufts of primroses, blue muscari, red tulips. Snowed on Saturday, sit-out weather Tuesday. My favourite painting: [edit] The basement