Qormeh sabzi

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Qormeh sabzi (Persian: قرمه ‌سبزی) or khoresht sabsi (Persian: خورشت ‌سبزی) is an Iranian stew. It is an important element of Persian cuisine, often said to be the Iranian "national dish". The main ingredients are a mixture of sauteed herbs, consisting mainly of parsley, leek, and a smaller amount of fenugreek leaves. There are many variations to the herbs, particularly spinach and coriander may be added. This mixture is cooked with kidney beans, green onions, chives, dried limes, and lamb or beef meat. It is then served with polow (Persian rice).

Some prefer to leave out the fenugreek, while most people consider it to be an essential ingredient. The Shirazis substitute potatoes for the beans.

Ghormeh (and gheimeh) may refer to diced meat. Sabzi means vegetable.

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