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Helper programs:  diff · wikEdDiff 

Program code:  wikEd · Greasemonkey bundle · diff · wikEdDiff · InstaView · Installation template

Gadget:  Description · Code · Version

Translations:  Guide · Example · Arabic · Chinese · Czech · Dutch · Esperanto · French · German · Hungarian · Italian · Japanese · Norwegian · New Norwegian · Polish · Portuguese · Romanian · Sicilian · Slovak · Slovenian · Spanish · Swedish · Vietnamese

This is an English translation for the MediaWiki editing page extension wikEd (last updated for version 0.9.37). Please see the translation instructions at User:Cacycle/wikEd international.

<nowiki> */
wikEdText = {
// logo
                'wikEdLogo alt':               'wikEd',
                'wikEdLogo title':             'wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate}) Click to disable',
                'wikEdLogo error alt':         'wikEd error',
                'wikEdLogo error title':       'Loading error - wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate}) Click to disable',
                'wikEdLogo browser alt':       '(wikEd)',
                'wikEdLogo browser title':     'Browser not supported - wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate})',
                'wikEdLogo disabled alt':      '(wikEd)',
                'wikEdLogo disabled title':    'Disabled - wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate}) Click to enable',
// top jumper
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                'wikEdScrollToEdit4 title':    'Scroll to edit field',
// button bar grip titles
                'wikEdGripFormat title':       'Formatting buttons (click to hide or show)',
                'wikEdGripCustom1 title':      'Custom buttons (click to hide or show)',
                'wikEdGripFind title':         'Find buttons (click to hide or show)',
                'wikEdGripFix title':          'Fixing buttons (click to hide or show)',
                'wikEdGripCustom2 title':      'Custom buttons (click to hide or show)',
                'wikEdGripControl title':      'wikEd control buttons (click to hide or show)',
// formatting buttons, top row
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                'wikEdRedo title':             'Redo',
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                'wikEdRedirect title':         'Create redirect, deletes whole text',
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                'wikEdUndoAll title':          'Undo all changes',
                'wikEdRedoAll alt':            'Redo all',
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                'wikEdJumpPrev title':         'Find the selected text backwards',
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                'wikEdJumpNext title':         'Find the selected text forwards',
// find and replace buttons, bottom row
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                'wikEdReplacePrev title':      'Replace previous match',
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                'wikEdReplaceNext title':      'Replace next match',
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                'wikEdCaseSensitive title':    'Search is case sensitive',
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                'wikEdRegExp title':           'Search field is a regular expression',
                'wikEdFindAhead alt':          'Find ahead',
                'wikEdFindAhead title':        'Find ahead as you type (case-insensitive non-regexp search)',
// fix buttons, top row
                'wikEdFixBasic alt':           'Fix basic',
                'wikEdFixBasic title':         'Fix blanks and empty lines, also done by other fixing functions',
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                'wikEdFixHtml title':          'Fix html to wikicode',
                'wikEdFixCaps alt':            'Fix caps',
                'wikEdFixCaps title':          'Fix caps in headers and lists',
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                'wikEdFixAll alt':             'Fix all',
                'wikEdFixAll title':           'Fix basic, html, capitalization, and Unicode',
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// fix buttons, bottom row
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                'wikEdFixMath title':          'Fix math',
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// wikEd control buttons, top row
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                'wikEdClearHistory alt':       'Clear history',
                'wikEdClearHistory title':     'Clear the find, replace, and summary history',
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                'wikEdScrollToPreview title':  'Scroll to preview field',
                'wikEdScrollToEdit alt':       'Scroll to edit',
                'wikEdScrollToEdit title':     'Scroll to edit field',
// wikEd control buttons, bottom row
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                'wikEdCloseToolbar alt':       'Close toolbar',
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// summary buttons
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                'wikEdPresetSummary': [
                        '/*  */ ', 'copyedit', 'reply', 'article created', 'intro rewrite',
                        'linkfix', 'fixing typos', 'removing linkspam', 'reverting test',
                        'reverting vandalism', 'formatting source text', '{wikEdUsing}'
                'wikEdSummaryUsing':           '…using [[en:User:Cacycle/wikEd|wikEd]]',
// submit buttons
                'wikEdLocalPreviewImg alt':    'Preview below',
                'wikEdLocalPreview title':     'Show preview below',
                'wikEdLocalDiffImg alt':       'Changes below',
                'wikEdLocalDiff title':        'Show current changes below',
                'wikEdHelpPageLink':           ' | <a href="" target="helpwindow">wikEd help</a>',
// preview and changes buttons, top
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                'wikEdScrollToEdit2 alt':      'Scroll to edit',
                'wikEdScrollToEdit2 title':    'Scroll to edit field',
// preview and changes buttons, bottom
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// formatting functions
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// fixing functions
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                'See also':                    'See also',
                'References':                  'References',
// language specific wiki code
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// shortened button texts
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// follow link popup
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// from [[en:User:Cacycle/wikEdDiff.js]]
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                'wikEdDiffLoading':            '...'