
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No. Name of Qinpu (Chinese) Name of Qinpu (English) Author / Compiler Date of Publication Volumes and / or Number of Scores Location of original(s) Remarks
Pre Tang
01 謁石調幽蘭 Jieshi Diao Youlan The Solitary Orchid in the Jieshi Mode 丘明 : Qiu Ming Pre 908 One scroll One piece Japan Written in wenzipu
Song Dynasty
02 白石道人歌曲 : 古怨 Bashi Daoren Gequ: Gu Yuan Song of the White Rock Daoist: Ancient Lament 姜夔 : Jiang Kui 1202 One volume One piece First discovered tablature to use jianzipu
Yuan Dynasty
03 事林廣記 : 撫琴要略 Shilin Guangji : Fuqin Yaolüe Comprehensive Record of Affairs : The Necessities in Stroking the Qin 稱元靚 : Chen Yuanliang 1269 One volume 6 pieces University of Beijing Library
N/A 事林廣記 : 泰定本 Shilin Guangji : Taiding Ben Comprehensive Record of Affairs : Taiding Edition 稱元靚 : Chen Yuanliang 1325 One volume One piece
N/A 事林廣記 : 椿莊書院本 Shilin Guangji : Chunzhuang Shuyuan Ben Comprehensive Record of Affairs : Chunzhuang Academy Edition 稱元靚 : Chen Yuanliang Yuan One volume 6 pieces
Ming Dynasty
04 太音大全集 Taiyin Daquanji Great Complete Collection of Utmost Sounds 袁均哲 : Yuan Junzhe Before 1413 5 volumes 5 pieces
05 太音大全集 Taiyin Daquanji Great Complete Collection of Utmost Sounds 朱權 : Zhu Quan 1413 6 volumes 5 or 6 pieces Beijing Library (scanned copy)
06 神奇秘譜 Shenqi Mipu Mysterious and Marvellous Tablature 朱權 : Zhu Quan 1425 3 volumes 64 pieces Beijing Library (scanned copy) First discovered major collection of qin tablatures.
07 五聲琴譜 Wusheng Qinpu Qin Tablature of Five Sounds 懶僊 : Lan Xian 1457 5 pieces
08 浙音釋字琴譜 Zheyin Shizi Qinpu Qin Tablature of Music from the Zhejiang [School] Elucidated through Lyrics 龔經 : Gong Jing Before 1491 2 volumes 39 pieces (existing)
09 太古遺音 Taigu Yiyin Reminiscent Sounds of Utmost Antiquity 謝琳 : Xie Lin 1511 3 volumes 35 pieces
10 太古遺音 Taigu Yiyin Reminiscent Sounds of Utmost Antiquity 黃士達 : Wang Shida 1515 3 volumes 38 pieces
11 新堪 : 發明琴譜 Xinkan : Faming Qinpu New Bearing : Qin Tablature of Revelations 黃龍山 : Huang Longshan 1530 2 volumes 24 pieces Beijing Library
12 風宣玄品 Fengxuan Xuanpin Profound Airs Brought by the Wind 朱厚爝 (明徽王) : Zhu Houjue (Prince Hui of the Ming Dynasty) 1539 10 volumes 101 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
N/A 梧岡琴譜 Wugang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Paulownian Ridge 黃獻 : Huang Xian 1546 2 volumes 42 pieces Compiled by palace eunuch.
13 琴譜正傳 Qinpu Zhengchuan The Correct Transmission of Qin Tablatures 黃獻 : Huang Xian 1547 6 volumes 71 pieces
14 西麓堂琴統 Xilu Tang Qintong Qin Tradition of the Hall of the Western Hill 汪芝 : Wang Zhi 1549 25 volumes 138 pieces
  • Privately made reprint, Tianjin (2000, 2004)
  • Zhongguo Shudian public reprint: ISBN 7-80663-386-3 (2007)
15 步虛僊琴譜 Buxu Xian Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Strolling-in-Emptiness Immortal 顧挹江 : Gu Yijiang 1556 9 volumes 15 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
N/A 太音傳習 Taiyin Chuanxi Transmission of the Great Sounds 李仁 : Li Ren 1552-62 5 volumes 80 pieces
16 杏莊太音補遺 Xingzhuang Taiyin Buyi Great Sounds Addendum from Apricot Village 蕭鸞 : Xiao Luan 1557 3 volumes 72 pieces Beijing Library (scanned copy)
17 杏莊太音續譜 Xingzhuang Taiyin Xupu Great Sounds Continuation from Apricot Village 蕭鸞 : Xiao Luan 1560 One volume 31 pieces
N/A 龍湖琴譜 Longhu Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Dragon Lake 石月舟 : Shi Yuezhou 1571 2 volumes 30 pieces
N/A 新刊正文對音捷要 : 琴譜正傳 Xinkan Zhengwen Duiyin Jieyao Qinpu Zhenchuan Newly Printed Correctly Worded Paired Sounds Successful :

Qin Tablature of the Correct Tradition

1573 6 volumes 65 pieces Earlier version of Chongxiu Zhenchuan (see below)
18 五音琴譜 Wuyin Qinpu Qin Tablature of Five Tones 朱珵 (明沈王) : Zhu Cheng (Prince Shen of the Ming Dynasty) 1579 3 volumes 31 pieces
19 重修真傳琴譜 Chongxiu Zhenchuan Qinpu Revised Qin Tablature of Correct Tradition 楊表正 : Yang Biaozheng 1585 10 volumes 101 pieces
20 玉梧琴譜 Yuwu Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Jade Paulownia 張進朝 : Zhang Jinchao 1589 3 volumes 52 pieces
21 琴書大全 Qinshu Daquan Great Collection of Qin Books 蔣克謙 : Jiang Keqian 1590 22 volumes 62 pieces Largest collection of qin books in existence.
22 三教同聲 Sanjiao Tongsheng Three Teachings Sound the Same 張德新 : Zhang Dexin 1592 4 pieces
23 文會堂琴譜 Wenhui Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Hall of Gathering Culture 胡文煥 : Hu Wenhuan 1596 6 volumes 68 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
24 綠綺新聲 Lüqi Xinsheng New Sounds of Green Cloth 徐時琪 : Xu Shiqi 1597 3 volumes Doesn't specify
25 藏春塢琴譜 Zangchun Wu Qinpu Qin Tablature of Hidden Spring Bed 郝寧, 王定安 : Hao Ning and Wang Ding'an 1602 5 volumes 66 pieces
26 三才圖會續集鼓琴圖 Sancai Tuhui Xuji Gu Qin Tu Continued Collected Qin Playing Diagram of the Triad Picture Group 王思義 : Wang Siyi 1607 One volume 5 pieces
27 太古遺音 Taigu Yiyin Reminiscent Sounds of Utmost Antiquity 楊掄 : Yang Lun Before 1609 2 volumes 34 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
伯牙心法 Boya Xinfa Boya's Internal Method One volume 29 pieces
28 太古正音琴譜 Taigu Zhengyin Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Correct Tones of Utmost Antiquity 章憲翼 : Zhang Xianyi 1611 4 volumes 52 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department (Kangxi period print)
N/A 陽春堂琴經 Yangchuntang Qinjing Qin Classic of the Sunny Spring Hall 張大命 : Zhang Daming 1611 14 volumes No pieces
  • Reprinted in (太古正音琴經) Taigu Zhengyin Qinjing, 1664
N/A 陽春堂琴譜 Yangchuntang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Sunny Spring Hall 張大命 : Zhang Daming 1611 4 volumes 42 pieces
  • Reprinted in (太古正音琴經) Taigu Zhengyin Qinjing, 1664
29 燕閑四適之一 : 琴適 Yanxian Sishi zhi-yi : Qin Shi One of the Four Attainments of Pleasure: --- 劉朝箴 : Liu Chaozhen 1611 4 volumes 14 pieces
30 松絃館琴譜 Songxian Guan Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Pine-string Study 嚴澄 : Yan Cheng 1614 28 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department (early Qing print) Preserved in the Siku Quanshu. Important Yushan school qinpu.
31 理性元雅 Lixing Yuanya Original Elegance of Logicality 張延玉 : Zhang Yanyu 1618 4 volumes 72 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
32 思齊堂琴譜 Siqi Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Hall of Thinking Together 鐘氏 (崇昭王妃) : Lady Zhong (Chong Zhao Imperial Concubine) 1620 11 pieces
N/A 太音希聲 Taiyin Xisheng Rare Sounds of Great Tones 陳大斌 : Chen Dabin 1620 5 volumes 36 pieces
33 樂仙琴譜 Lexian Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Happy Immortal 汪喜吾 : Wang Xiwu 1623 Not specified 35 pieces
34 古音正宗 Guyin Zhengzong Orthadox Tones of Antiquity 朱常淓 (明潞王) : Zhu Changfang (Prince Lu of the Ming Dynasty) 1634 50 pieces
35 徽言秘旨 Huiyan Mizhi Secret Edict of the Voice of Honour 尹爾韜 (尹曄) : Yin Ertao (Yin Ye) 1647 60 pieces
N/A 中洲草堂遺集 Zhongzhou Caotang Yiji Reminiscent Collections of the Middle Continent Grass Hall 陳子卬 : Chen Zi'ang Ming One piece Not published until 1821-51
36 義軒琴經 Yixuan Qinjing Qin Classic of the Righteous Inn 張一亨 : Zhang Yiheng Ming 2 volumes 33 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
37 陶氏琴譜 Tao-shi Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Tao Family 陶鴻逵 : Tao Hongkui Ming 9 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
Qing Dynasty
N/A 友聲社琴譜 Youshengshe Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Society of Friendly Sounds 鄭方 : Zheng Fang Early Qing 2 volumes 27 pieces 11 pieces missing from 2nd volume
38 愧庵琴譜 Kui'an Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Shy Monastery 徐國俊 : Xu Guojun 1660 2 volumes 22 pieces
N/A 臣卉堂琴譜 Chenben Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Hall of the Absentee Official 鄭方 : Zheng Fang 1663-5 26 pieces
39 琴學心聲 Qinxue Xinsheng Sound from the Heart of Qin Study 莊臻鳳 (莊蝶庵) : Zhuang Zhenfeng (Zhuang Die'an) 1664 Not specified 14 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
40 琴苑心傳全編 Qinyuan Xinchuan Quanbian Complete Manuscript of the Qin Garden Heart Transmissions 孔興誘 : Kong Xingyou 1670 20 volumes 80 pieces
41 大還閣琴譜 Dahuan Ge Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Pavilion of Great Return 徐上瀛 : Xu Shangying 1673 6 volumes 32 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department Important Yushan school qinpu.
42 和文注琴譜 Hewen-zhu Qinpu Qin Tablature of Harmonious Literature Notes 蔣興疇 : Jiang Xingchou Before 1676 37 pieces
43 松風閣琴譜 Songfeng Ge Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Windy Pine Pavilion 程雄 : Cheng Xiong 1677 2 volumes 11 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department Presevered in the Siku Quanshu
〔附〕 抒懷操 Shuhuai Cao (attached) Song of Carefree 1682 One volume 37 pieces
44 琴瑟譜 Qin-se Pu Tablature of the Qin and Se 程雄 : Cheng Xiong 1677 One volume 13 pieces Also known as 松風閣琴瑟譜
〔附〕 松聲操 Songsheng Cao (attached) Song of the Sound of Pines 1687 One volume 45 pieces
N/A 響山堂琴譜 Xiangshan Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Hall of Mountain Echos 徐常遇 : Xu Changyu Before 1700? 15 pieces Incomplete handcopy
45 澄鑒堂琴譜 Chengjian Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Clear Mirror Hall 徐常遇 : Xu Changyu 1686 37 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
46 德音堂琴譜 Deyin Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Hall of Virtuous Sounds 郭裕齋, 吳之振 : Guo Yuzhai and Wu Zhizhen 1691 10 volumes 36 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
47 範氏琴瑟合壁 Fan-shi Qin-se Hebi Fan Clan's Paired Qin and Se 範承都 : Fan Chengdu 1691 4 pieces
48 徽言秘旨訂 Huiyan Mizhi Ding Revised Secret Edict of Honorary Words 尹曄, 孫淦重 : Yin Ye and Sun Ganzhong 1692 13 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
49 琴譜析微 Qinpu Xiwei Qin Tablature of Discerned Subtle Meanings 魯鼐 : Lü Nai 1692 8 volumes 30 pieces
50 蓼懷堂琴譜 Liaohuai Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Luxuriant Emotions Hall 雲志高 : Yun Zhigao 1702 33 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
51 誠一堂琴譜 Chengyi Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Hall of One Sincerity 程允基 : Cheng Yunji 1705 6 volumes 36 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
N/A 一峰園琴譜 Yifeng Yuan Qinpu Qin Tablature of the One Peak Garden 禹祥年 : Yu Xiangnian 1709 20 pieces
66 東臯琴譜 (とうこうきんぷ) Donggao Qinpu (Japanese: Toukou Kinpu) Qin Tablature of the Eastern Springs 蔣興疇, 鈴木龍 : Jiang Xingchou and Suzuki Ryuu 1709, 1771, 1898 15 pieces Van Gulik collection: CH-1542 (1827) Tablature originally printed in Japan (Meiwa period, Ohara Shiro edition and others).
52 琴學正聲 Qinxue Zhengsheng Correct Sounds of Qin Study 沈琯 : Shen Guan 1715 6 volumes 12 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
N/A 琴譜合璧 Qinpu Hebi Combined Qin Tablatures 揚揄撰, 和素譯 : Yang Lun (compiler) and He Su (editor) Before 1718 18 volumes Originally published in the Siku Quanshu 欽定四庫全書, 子部八, 藝術類二, 琴譜之屬.
53 五知齋琴譜 Wuzhi Zhai Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Five Knowledge Studio 徐琪 : Xu Qi 1721 8 volumes 33 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department Also known as 琴譜大成. One of the most important and widely used qinpu.
54 臥雲樓琴譜 Woyun Lou Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Tower of Low-lying Clouds 馬兆辰 : Ma Zhaochen 1722 8 volumes 32 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
55 存古堂琴譜 Cungu Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Hall of Existing in Antiquity 吳文煥 : Wu Wenhuan 1726 8 volumes 20 pieces
56 立雪齋琴譜 Lixue Zhai Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Studio of Standing Snow 汪紱 : Wang Fu 1730 2 volumes 16 pieces
57 琴書千古 Qinshu Qian-gu Qin Books of a Thousand Years 佚名 : Anonymous 1738 4 volumes 24 pieces
58 治心齋琴學練要 Zhixin Zhai Qinxue Lianyao Necessary Training in Qin Study of the Studio of Governing the Heart 王善 : Wang Shan 1739 Not specified 26 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
59 春草堂琴譜 Chuncao Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Spring Grass Hall 蘇瓊 : Su Qiong 1744 6 volumes 28 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
60 大樂元音 Dale Yuanyin Original Tone of Great Happiness 潘士權 : Pan Shiquan 1745 7 volumes 6 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
61 琴劍合譜 Qin-jian Hepu Combined Tablature of Qin and Sword 索敏亭 : Suo Minting 1749 11 pieces
62 穎陽琴譜 Yingyang Qinpu Qin Tablature of Yingyang? 李郊 : Li Jiao 1751 4 volumes 12 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
63 蘭田館琴譜 Lantian Guan Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Orchid Field Study 李光塽 : Li Guangshuang 1755 9 volumes 44 pieces
64 琴香堂琴譜 Qinxiang Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Hall of Fragrant Zithers 馬任 ﹑ 馬倩 : Ma Ren and Ma Qian 1760 38 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
65 研露樓琴譜 Yanlu Lou Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Tower of Pestled Dew 崔應階 : Cui Yingjie 1766 4 volumes 20 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
N/A 玉堂琴譜 (ぎょくどうきんぷ) Yutang Qinpu (Japanese: Gyokudō Kinpu) Qin Tablature of the Jade Hall 浦上玉堂 : Uragami Gyokudō 1791 One volume Japan A tablature collection published in Japan in the Kansei period.
  • Available in digital format here (requires DjVu plug-in to view)
N/A 龍吟館琴譜 Longyin Guan Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Dragon Chant Study 王燕卿 : Wang Yanying 1799 2 volumes 8 pieces A proto-Mei'an School qinpu
67 自遠堂琴譜 Ziyuan Tang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Hall of Self-distancing 吳灴 : Wu Hong 1802 11 volumes 93 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
68 裛露軒琴譜 Yilu Xuan Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Damp Dew Inn 待攷 : Dai Kao After 1802 88 pieces
69 蕭立禮琴說 Xiao Lili Qinshuo Qin Lore of Xiao Lili 蕭立禮 : Xiao Lili 1807 One piece
70 小蘭琴譜 Xiaolan Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Small Orchid 業布 : Ye Bu 1812 One volume 12 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
71 琴譜諧聲 Qinpu Xiesheng Harmonious Sounds Qin Tablature 周顯祖 : Zhou Xianzu 1820 6 volumes 26 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
72 指法彙參確解 Zhifa Huican Quejie Corrected Collected Finger Techniques 王仲舒 : Wang Zhongshu 1821 Not specified 11 pieces
73 峯抱樓琴譜 Fengbao Lou Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Tower of Peak Cherish 沈浩 : Shen Hao 1825 16 pieces
74 琴學軔端 Qinxue Renduan Spoke End Qin Studies 鑑湖逸士石卿 : Jianhu Yishi Shiqing 1828 34 pieces
75 鄰鶴齋琴譜 Linhe Zhai Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Pavilion Near Cranes 陳幼慈 : Chen Youci 1830 16 pieces
76 二香琴譜 Erxiang Qinpu Qin Tablature of Two Fragrances 蔣文勛 : Jiang Wenxun 1833 10 volumes 30 pieces
77 律話 Lü Hua On Theory 戴長庚 : Dai Chenggeng 1833 3 volumes 11 pieces
78 律音彙考 Lüyin Huikao Collected Examinations on Music Theory 邱之稑 : Qiu Zhilu 1835 8 volumes 24 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
79 悟雪山房琴譜 Wuxue Shanfang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Paulownia Snow Mountain Residence 黃景星 : Huang Jingxing 1836 Not specified 46 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department (handwritten copy)
80 槐蔭書屋琴譜 Huaiyin Shuwu Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Pagoda Tree Shadow Book-house 王藩 : Wang Fan 1840 8 pieces
81 行有恆堂錄存琴譜 Xingyouheng Tang Lucun Qinpu Qin Tablature with Surviving Records of (Prince) Xingyouheng Tang 清宗室綿恩之子或孫 : Son or grandson of Qing Zongshi Xian'en 1840 8 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
82 張鞠田琴譜 Zhang Jutian Qinpu Qin Tablature of Zhang Jutian 張鞠田 : Zhang Jutian 1844 16 pieces
83 一經廬琴學 Yi-jing Lu Qinxue Qin Studies of One Classic Cottage 姚配中 : Yao Peizhong 1845 2 volumes 15 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
84 稚雲琴譜 Zhiyun Qinpu Qin Tablature of Young Clouds 曹錡 : Cao Qi 1849 19 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
N/A 與古齊琴譜 Yugu Zhai Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Studio with Abiding with Antiquity 曹錡 : Cao Qi 1855 4 volumes No tablature Bodleian Library CJK Catalogue: BOD Nuneham Chin.d.7988/1095(7) Book on qin construction et al.
85 琴學尊聞 Qinxue Zunwen Respectful Hearing of Qin Study 郭柏心 : Guo Baixin 1864 13 pieces
86 琴學入門 Qinxue Rumen Introduction to Qin Studies 張鶴 : Zhang He 1864 2 volumes 20 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
87 蕉庵琴譜 Jiao'an Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Plantian Monastery 秦維瀚 : Qin Weihan 1868 4 volumes 32 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department Important Guangling school qinpu.
88 琴瑟合譜 Qin-se Hepu Combined Tablature of Qin and Se 慶瑞 : Qing Rui 1870 2 volumes 8 pieces
89 以六正五之齋琴譜 Yi Liuzheng Wu-zhi-Zhai Qinpu Qin Tablature from Six Correct and Five Studies 孫寶 : Sun Bao 1875 6 volumes 21 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department (photocopy)
90 天聞閣琴譜 Tianwen Ge Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Pavilion of Heavenly Sounds 唐彝銘 : Tang Yiming 1876 19 volumes 145 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department Important Shu (Sichuan) school qinpu
91 天籟閣琴譜 Tianlai Ge Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Pavilion of Heavenly Sounds 蒙古覺庵氏 : Jue'an Shi (Mongol) 1876 30 pieces
92 響雪齋琴譜 Xiangxue Zhai Qinpu Qin Tablature of Reberverating Snow 佚名 : Anonymous 1876 2 volumes 15 pieces
93 希韶閣琴譜 Xishao Ge Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Pavilion of Rare Beauty 黃曉珊 : Huang Xiaoshan 1878 4 volumes 44 pieces
94 雙琴書屋琴譜集成 Shuangqin Shuwu Qinpu Jicheng Collected Qin Tablatures of the Double Qin Book-house 清谼子 : Qing Hongzi 1884 6 volumes 39 pieces
95 綠綺清韻 Lüqi Qingyun Clear Rhymes of Green Cloth 徐臚先 : Xu Luxian 1884 One volume 10 pieces
N/A 古逸叢書 Guyi Congshu Collection of Books from the Far Past 揚守敬 : Yang Shuojing 1884 One piece Contains the handcopy of the piece "Jieshi diao Youlan"
96 琴旨申邱 Qinzhi Shenqiu Qin Edict Declared from the Mound 劉人熙 : Liu Renxi 1889 One volume 2 pieces
97 希韶閣琴瑟合譜 Xishao Ge Qin-se Hepu Duet Tablature of Qin and Se from the Pavilion of Rare Beauty 黃曉珊 : Huang Xiaoshan 1890 2 volumes 16 pieces
98 枯木禪琴譜 Kumuchan Qinpu Qin Tablature of Withered Trees Dhyana 釋空塵 : Shi Kongchen 1893 8 volumes 42 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
99 琴學初津 Qinxue Chujin Preliminary Advances in Qin Study 陳世驥 : Chen Shiji 1894 10 volumes 50 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
100 鄂公祠說琴 E Gong Ci Shuo-qin Qin Lore of Duke E's Ancestral Temple 朱啟連 : Zhu Qilian 1898 2 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department (handcopy)
101 鳴盛閣琴譜 Mingsheng Ge Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Pavilion of Sounds Widespread 林薰 : Lin Xun 1899 12 pieces
102 十一弦館琴譜 Shiyi-xian Guan Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Eleven-string Study 張文祉 : Zhang Wenzhi 1907 8 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
103 琴學叢書 Qinxue Congshu Collection of Books on Qin Study 楊宗稷 : Yang Zongji 1910-31 Not specified 32 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department
104 雅齋琴譜叢集 Yazhai Qinpu Congji Collected Qin Tablature of the Elegant Studio 李光烈 : Li Guanglie Qing 21 volumes Doesn't specify Central Conservatory of Music Research Department (handwritten copy)
Republic of China
105 詩夢齋琴譜 Shimeng Zhai Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Studio of Poetic Dreams 葉潛 : Ye Qian 1914 10 volumes 20 pieces
106 山西育才館講義 Shanxi Yucai Guan Jiangyi Good Discussions from the House of Educated and Talented in Shanxi 彭慶壽, 顧燾 : Peng Qingshou and Gu Tao 1922 Not specified 12 pieces
107 梅庵琴譜 Mei'an Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Plum Monastery 王賓魯 : Wang Binlü 1931 2 volumes 14 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department (stone print copy) Important qinpu of the Mei'an school.
108 今虞琴刊 Jinyu Qinkan Qin Journal of the Present Yu School 今虞琴社 : Jinyu Qinshe 1937 2 pieces
  • Central Conservatory of Music Research Department (publisher)
  • Van Gulik collection: CH1423
109 沙堰琴編 Shayan Qinbian Qin Manuscript of Sand Protection 裴鐵俠 : Pei Tiexia 1946 One volume 13 pieces Central Conservatory of Music Research Department (printer)
People's Republic of China
N/A 古琴曲匯編 Guqin Qu Huipian Collected Guqin Scores   1957 Also called 夏一峰傳譜 Xia Yifeng Chuanpu. Modern staff notation with qin tablature
N/A 研易習琴齋琴譜 Yanyixi Qinzhai Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Study of Researched Changes in Qin Practice 章志蓀 : Zhang Zhisun 1961 3 volumes 30 pieces
N/A 琴曲集成 Qinqu Jicheng Complete Collection of Qin Scores Various 1963 and 1980 to 1991 18 volumes circa 1500—2000 pieces Modern photographic reproduction of old qinpu, only 17 of 18 volumes printed
  • First Series [Publication abandoned after the first volume]
  1. 1963, 80184 中華書局
  • Second Series [Volumes 1 to 4 similar to the First Series]
  1. 1981, 10018495 中華書局
  2. 1980, 10018462 中華書局
  3. 1982, 10018511 中華書局
  4. 1982, 10018504 中華書局
  5. 1980, 10018465 中華書局
  6. 1987, ISBN 7-101-00241-2
  7. 1981, 10018480 中華書局
  8. 1989, ISBN 7-101-00510-1
  9. 1982, 10018526 中華書局
  10. 1982, 10018510 中華書局
  11. 1982, ISBN 7-101-01063-6
  12. 1994, ISBN 7-101-01390-2
  13. 1989, ISBN 7-101-00509-8
  14. 1989, ISBN 7-101-00688-4
  15. not published
  16. 1991, ISBN 7-101-00911-5
  17. 1991, ISBN 7-101-00919-0
  • Out of print
  • Near complete PDF version download here (vol. 10 missing)
N/A 古琴曲集 Guqin Quji Collected Scores of the Guqin Various 1962 and 1982 2 volumes 79 pieces Modern with staff notation and qin tablature.
N/A 春雨草堂琴譜 Chunyu Caotang Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Grassy Hall of the Spring Rain 盧家炳 : Lo Ka-Ping 1969 10 pieces
N/A 秋庵琴譜 Qiu'an Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Autumn Monastery 容天祈 : Rong Tianqi 1974 Qin repertoire of Rong Tianqi. Private publication.
N/A 琴府 Qin Fu Qin Bureau 唐健垣 : Tong Kin-woon 1975 Univ. of Toronto (Robarts Library) Reprint of several old qinpu
N/A 吳門琴譜 Wumen Qinpu Qin Tablature of the Wu Tradition 吳兆基 : Wu Zhaoji 1998 15 pieces With number notation.