Qeqertarsuaq (Qaanaaq)

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Qeqertarsuaq (pronounced Keratisag) is a hamlet within the state of Qaanaaq in the northern part of Greenland. The hamlet hosts a total of 12 inhabitants (risen from 5 since the 2005 census). The village also has a small school, general store and chapel. The school, containing just 7 pupils from the actual hamlet of Qeqertarsuaq and also has another 4 pupils from the nearest neighboring hamlet, not equipped with shop or school, Iqssutaqqinn pronounced (Iksukin).


[edit] People

The most famous people from Qeqertarsuaq is the national explorer and wildlife expert Yinkarevioch Wakeling (1804-1854) Aged 50 . Also Erinhanka Tingertye(1593-1628) (originally of Italy) Aged 35.

[edit] Lifestyle

People living in the hamlet are said to be incredibly able hunters and fishers. Life expectancy for the hamlet is said to be on average (according to 1996 cencus) an age of fifty nine.

[edit] Hamlet Song

Translated from Grhennique language

Thy ice and frozen water rise up from depth oer
Thy fish and seal and mortar help us here this morn
Qeqertarsuaq live forever anno dominie
Thy people of thy village be loyal for heavens past!

[edit] Further reading

  • Böcher, Jens, and Bent Fredskild. Plant and Arthropod Remains from the Palaeo-Eskimo Site on Qeqertasussuk, West Greenland. Meddelelser om Grønland, 30. Copenhagen: Kommissionen for videnskabelige undersøgelser i Grønland, 1993. ISBN 8760136332
  • Caulfield, Richard A. Qeqertarsuarmi Arfanniarneq = Greenlandic Inuit Whaling in Qeqertarsuaq Kommune, West Greenland. Denmark?: Govt. of Denmark?, 1991.
  • Humlum, Ole. 1998. "Active Layer Thermal Regime 1991-1996 at Qeqertarsuaq, Disko Island, Central West Greenland". Arctic and Alpine Research. 30, no. 3: 295.
  • Yde, J. C., and N. T. Knudsen. 2007. "20th-Century Glacier Fluctuations on Disko Island (Qeqertarsuaq), Greenland". Annals of Glaciology. 46: 209-214.

Coordinates: 77°49′N 69°33′W / 77.817, -69.55
