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Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Viridiplantae
Phylum: Chlorophyta
Class: Prasinophyceae
Order: Pyramimonadales
Genus: Pyramimonas
  • P. cirolanae
  • P. cyclotreta
  • P. cyrtoptera
  • P. sp. 'Greenland'
  • P. grossii
  • P. mantoniae
  • P. mitra
  • P. moestrupii
  • P. octopus
  • P. olivacea
  • P. orientalis
  • P. parkeae
  • P. propulsa
  • P. tetrarhyncus
  • P. tychotreta
  • P. sp.
  • P. disomata
  • P. australis
  • P. aureus

In taxonomy, Pyramimonas is a genus of algae, specifically of the Pyramimonadales.[1]


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