Pushforward (homology)
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Let X and Y be two topological spaces and a continuous function. Then f induces a homomorphism between the homology groups
. We say that f * is the pushforward induced by f.
[edit] Definition for singular and simplicial homology
We build the pushforward homomorphism as follows, for singular or simplicial homology:
First we have a induced homomorphism between the singular or simplicial chain complex and
defined by composing each singular n-simplex
with f to obtain a singular n-simplex of Y,
. Then we extend
linearly via
The maps satisfy
is the boundary operator between chain groups, so
defines a chain map.
We have that takes cycles to cycles, since
. Also
takes boundaries to boundaries since
Hence induces a homomorphism between the homology groups
[edit] Properties and homotopy invariance
Two basic properties of the push-forward are:
for the composition of maps
refers to identity function of X and
refers to the identity isomorphism of homology groups.
A main result about the push-forward is the homotopy invariance: if two maps are homotopic, then they induce the same homomorphism
This immediately implies that the homology groups of homotopy equivalent spaces are isomorphic:
The maps induced by a homotopy equivalence
are isomorphisms for all n.
[edit] References
- Allen Hatcher, Algebraic topology. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-79160-X and ISBN 0-521-79540-0