Puget Sound Rowing

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University of Puget Sound Rowing is a long-standing tradition at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington. The official rowing program was started in the mid-1960's. The Logger Crew has called a bay at the Commencement Bay Rowing Club Boathouse on American Lake their home since the 1998-1999 season. They share bays with the Commencement Bay Rowing Club (CBRC) and the Pacific Lutheran University rowing program (PLU). Prior to this, a boathouse existed on the south end of the lake shared by UPS and PLU since their inception as a joint program in the mid-60's.


[edit] Logger Crew Traditions

Over many years, traditions have come and gone. The Logger Crew shares this spirit and pride alongside their fellow students. Many chants have been said to originate from the Logger Crew that have as such spread to the rest of the student body and are heard during other sporting events such as soccer and football games.

[edit] Regattas

Following the conclusion of every standard spring season, the Logger Crew makes their way to Lake Natoma in Sacramento, CA where the Western Intercollegiate Rowing Association Championship Regatta or WIRA's is held. WIRA's is a showcase of smaller schools and clubs on the Pacific coast. Larger schools such as Cal, Stanford, UW might make a rare appearance, but this is highly unusual. For the schools that attend, this generally marks end of the spring season. This was not the case however in 2007 when a coxed men's varsity 4 (MV4+) agreed that if they took 1st or 2nd place in the grand finals, they could be allowed to represent their team and school at the Intercollegiate Rowing Association National Championships or IRAs. Taking first place with a time of 6:52.4 in the Grand Finals[1], these five rowers traveled to Camden, New Jersey. Representing UPS for the first time at IRA's, these men placed 9th out of 34 total crews with a time of 6:33.806 in the petite finals[2].

[edit] Meyer-Lamberth Regatta

The Meyer-Lamberth Regatta is an annual dual between the UPS and PLU crews the week before the NCRC Championships. On April 14, 2007, the UPS and PLU crews celebrated the 44th Annual regatta at the CBRC Boathouse on American Lake.

Year Meyer Cup Lamberth Cup Mini-Meyer Cup Little Lamberth Cup Richard P. Neils Cup Al Lawrence Memorial Award
1964 PLU 0-1
1965 PLU 0-2
1966 PLU 0-3
1967 PLU RO 0-4
1968 PLU 0-5
1969 PLU 0-6
1970 PLU 0-7
1971 PLU 0-8
1972 PLU 0-9
1973 PLU 0-10
1974 PLU 0-11
1975 UPS 1-11
1976 UPS 2-11
1977 PLU 2-12 PLU 0-1
1978 PLU 2-13 PLU 0-2
1979 PLU 2-14 PLU 0-3 PLU 0-1
1980 UPS 3-14 PLU 0-4 PLU 0-2
1981 UPS 4-14 PLU 0-5 PLU 0-3
1982 UPS 5-14 UPS 1-5
1983 UPS 6-14 UPS 2-5 PLU 0-4
1984 PLU 6-15 PLU 2-6 PLU 0-5
1985 PLU 6-16 PLU 2-7 PLU 0-6
1986 PLU 6-17 PLU 2-8 UPS 1-6
1987 PLU 6-18 PLU 2-9 PLU 1-7
1988 PLU 6-19 PLU 2-10 PLU 1-8
1989 PLU 6-20 PLU 2-11
1990 UPS 7-20 PLU 2-12
1991 UPS 8-20 PLU 2-13
1992 UPS 9-20 PLU 2-14
1993 PLU 9-21 PLU 2-15
1994 PLU 9-22 PLU 2-16
1995 PLU 9-23 PLU 2-17
1996 PLU 9-24 PLU 2-18
1997 PLU 9-25 PLU 2-19
1998 PLU 9-26 UPS 3-19
1999 PLU 9-27 PLU 3-20
2000 PLU 9-28 UPS 4-20 UPS 2-8
2001 UPS 10-28 UPS 5-20 PLU 2-9
2002 UPS 11-28 UPS 6-20 PLU 2-10
2003 UPS 12-28 UPS 7-20 UPS 5-8
2004 UPS 13-28 UPS 8-20 UPS 1-0 PLU 0-1 UPS 6-8 UPS
2005 UPS 14-28 UPS 9-20 UPS 2-0 UPS 1-1 PLU 2-11 UPS
2006 UPS 15-28 UPS 10-20 UPS 3-0 PLU 1-2 UPS 3-11 UPS
2007 UPS 16-28 UPS 11-20 UPS 4-0 UPS 2-2 UPS 4-11 UPS 5-0
2008 UPS 17-28 UPS 12-20 UPS 5-0 UPS 3-2 PLU 4-12 UPS 5-0

[edit] O.A.R. Northwest

Ocean Adventure Rowing Northwest is composed of Jordan Hanssen(2004), Brad Vickers(2005), Greg Spooner(2001), and Dylan LeValley(2005). O.A.R. Northwest rowed a Woodvale Fours boat as part of the Shephard Ocean Fours Rowing Race 2006 - Inaugural North Atlantic Rowing Race. The race begins in New York City and ends 2,863 nautical miles (5,302 km) away in Falmouth, England[3]. The Woodvale Fours class boat that entrants rowed during this was named the James Robert Hanssen after Jordan's father who died of a severe asthma attack when Jordan was only 3 years old[4]. With the aid of the American Lung Association, O.A.R. Northwest was able to acquire the necessary funds to make an idea of rowing across the Northern Atlantic a possibility.

[edit] See Also

PLU Crew - Pacific Lutheran University's Rowing Program

[edit] References

[edit] External links