Talk:Public administration theory

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Talk:Public administration theory

     Public Administration can be described simply as managing public affairs of the government. Coordinating the different aspects of public management represented by different  government agencies concerning different functions to  the delivery of services for the general welfare of the people within the country.

     The different aspects of public administration involves  the following:  the political aspects, the cultural aspects ,the social and economic aspects.  Practically these different aspects are governed by government law and order which filter every actions taken or made by these agencies concerned.
     The political affairs of the government play and important role in public adminstration since it involves public policies  created into law and order as the control agents of the government for effective public administration.
     Public Administration to be more effective, should also consider the cultural aspect as an important role equal to the policital fact it can be said that it is the number one enemy fo the government. Value formation.. must start considering the different cultures of the country ...Problems may incur in the implementation of policies , rules and regulations as tools in managing public affairs of the government if culture is not being considered (thus failure in developing value formation) necessary for effective management. 

by: virginia m campos, MPA