Public holidays of the United States

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Strictly speaking, the United States does not have national holidays (i.e. days where all employees in America receive a day free from work and all business is halted). The U.S. Federal government can only recognize national holidays that pertain to its own employees; it is at the discretion of each state or local jurisdiction to determine official holiday schedules. There are eleven such "Federal holidays" -- ten annual and one quadrennial holiday. The annual Federal holidays are widely observed by state and local governments; however, they may alter the dates of observance or add or subtract holidays according to local custom. Pursuant to the Uniform Holidays Bill of 1968 (taking effect in 1971), some official holidays are observed on a Monday, except for New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. There are also U.S. state holidays particular to individual U.S. states.

In the U.S., most retail businesses close on Thanksgiving and Christmas, but remain open on all other holidays. Private businesses often observe only the "big six" holidays (New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas). Some also add the Friday after Thanksgiving, or one or more of the other federal holidays.

Most American holidays recognize events or people from U.S. history, although two are shared in common with many other countries: Christmas Day and New Year's Day. For Thanksgiving in the United States, it is on the fourth Thursday in November.

The holiday season in the winter traditionally runs between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day, which encompasses the Winter solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa.

Summer traditionally (though unofficially) runs between Memorial Day and Labor Day.


[edit] Federal holidays

Main article: Federal holidays

Federal holidays are designated by Congress in Title V of the United States Code (5 U.S.C. § 6103).[1] If a holiday falls on a Saturday it is celebrated the preceding Friday; if a holiday falls on a Sunday it is celebrated the following Monday. Most, but not all states, and most, but not all private businesses also observe a Sunday holiday on the following Monday. It is less common, however, for a state or private business to observe a Saturday holiday on the preceding Friday. Some states and private businesses may observe it then, a few might observe it on Monday, and some might not observe the holiday at all in those years. In particular, banks that close on Saturdays do not observe a holiday when it falls on Saturday.

Date Official Name Remarks
January 1 New Year's Day Celebrates beginning of the Gregorian calendar year. Festivities include counting down to midnight (12:00 AM) on the preceding night, New Year's Eve. Traditional end of holiday season.
Third Monday in January Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., or Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Honors Martin Luther King, Jr., Civil Rights leader; combined with other holidays in several states (traditionally January 15). This year's observance: 2008 - January 21
January 20, every fourth year, following Presidential election Inauguration Day Observed only by federal government employees in Washington D.C., and the border counties of Maryland and Virginia, in order to relieve congestion that occurs with this major event. Swearing-in of President of the United States and Vice President of the United States. Celebrated every fourth year. Note: Takes place on January 21 if the 20th is a Sunday (although the President is still privately inaugurated on the 20th). If Inauguration Day falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, the preceding Friday or following Monday is not a Federal Holiday
Third Monday in February Washington's Birthday Washington's Birthday was first declared a federal holiday by an 1879 act of Congress. The Monday Holiday Law, enacted in 1968, shifted the date of the commemoration of Washington's Birthday from February 22 to the third Monday in February. Many people now refer to this holiday as "Presidents' Day" and consider it a day honoring all American presidents. However, neither the Monday Holiday Law nor any subsequent law changed the name of the holiday from Washington's Birthday to Presidents' Day.[2] This year's observance: 2008 - February 18
Last Monday in May Memorial Day Honors the nation's war dead; marks the unofficial beginning of the summer season. (traditionally May 30)
July 4 Independence Day Celebrates Declaration of Independence, also called the Fourth of July.
First Monday in September Labor Day Celebrates the achievements of workers and the labor movement; marks the unofficial end of the summer season.
Second Monday in October Columbus Day Honors Christopher Columbus, traditional discoverer of the Americas. In some areas it is also a celebration of Italian culture and heritage. (traditionally October 12); celebrated as American Indian Heritage Day and Fraternal Day in Alabama;[1] celebrated as Native American Day in South Dakota.[2]
November 11 Veterans Day Honors all veterans of the United States armed forces. A traditional observation is a moment of silence at 11 AM remembering those who fought for peace. (Commemorates the cease-fire in the 1918 armistice which was scheduled for "the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.")
Fourth Thursday in November Thanksgiving Day Traditionally celebrates the giving of thanks for the autumn harvest. Traditionally includes the consumption of a turkey dinner Traditional start of the "holiday season." (Note: Thanksgiving is not celebrated on the same day as it is in Canada).
December 25 Christmas Day Celebrates the Nativity of Jesus. Some people consider aspects of this religious holiday, such as giving gifts and decorating a Christmas tree, to be secular rather than explicitly Christian.

[edit] Federal observances

Federal observances differ from Federal holidays in that Federal employees only receive a day free from work on holidays, not observances. Federal observances that are designated by Congress appear in Title 36 of the United States Code (36 U.S.C. § 101 et seq.). Below is a list of all observances so designated. Note that not all of the laws below require that the observance be declared, in some cases, such as 36 U.S.C. § 114, Congress simply requested the President to issue a proclamation of the observance.

The President may also declare selected Federal observances by presidential proclamation. Those observances are referenced at the List of observances in the United States by presidential proclamation.

[edit] Days

[edit] Weeks

  • Constitution Week
  • National Flag Week
  • National Forest Products Week
  • National Poison Prevention Week
  • National Safe Boating Week
  • National School Lunch Week
  • National Transportation Week
  • Police Week
  • Save Your Vision Week
  • National Friendship Week

[edit] Months

[edit] Other

  • 36 U.S.C. § 112 — Honor America Days -- The 21 days from Flag Day through Independence Day.

[edit] Other holidays observed nationwide

In addition to the official holidays, many religious, ethnic, and other traditional holidays populate the calendar, as well as observances proclaimed by officials and lighter celebrations. These are rarely observed by businesses as holidays; indeed, many are viewed as opportunities for commercial promotion. Because of this commercialization, some critics apply the deprecatory term Hallmark holiday to such days, after the Hallmark greeting card company.

[ March 14Pi DayA celebration of the number pi (3.14) Math holiday, eat pie, try to recite as many digits of the number pi as you can, usually have cookies, brownies, and other sweets, the person who recites the most digits of pi wins a prize, (pie, pi day tee shirt ECT.) [May 1st)) May Day, a day celebrating Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ Novenber 1 All Saints Day, Celebrates all unknown saints who have died, and are cannonized, that we have otherwise forgotten

Date Name Remarks
late January or February (date varies) Chinese New Year The start of the new year in the lunar calendar, often associated with China or other Asian nations and a time to celebrate their cultures.
February or March, date varies Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday A festive season (Carnival) leading up to Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras. Closes with Ash Wednesday (40 days before Easter, not counting Sundays), which starts the season of Lent in the Christian calendar.
January 7 Christmas (Orthodox) Christmas Day as celebrated in the Orthodox tradition.
February Black History Month Celebrating the contributions and culture of Afro Americans (Black Americans) (U.S. Citizens descended from Africa) throughout U.S. History.
February 2 Groundhog Day Prediction from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania groundhog on whether the country will have six more weeks of winter.
February 14 Valentine's Day Traditional celebration of love and romance, including the exchange of cards, candy, flowers, and other gifts.
March 17 St. Patrick's Day A celebration of Irish heritage and culture, based on the Catholic feast of St. Patrick. Primary activity is simply the wearing of green clothing ("wearing o' the green"), although drinking beer dyed green is also popular. Attending St. Patrick's Day parades has historically been more popular in the United States than in Ireland.
April 1 April Fools' Day A day to play tricks on family, friends, and coworkers, if so inclined, this day used to be the start of the New Year, the traditon started when New Year's Day was moved from April 1st, to January 1st.
late March or April (Date varies) (March 21 for 2008) Good Friday Commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ by Pontius Pilate, believed by Christians to have taken place (traditionally) on April 1, 33 AD. Sometimes celebrated as a "Spring holiday" for Universities and schools in certain states.
Spring Sunday, date varies always the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox Easter Celebrates the Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus. For Christians, Easter is a day of religious services and the gathering of family. Many Americans follow old traditions of coloring hard-boiled eggs and giving children baskets of candy. On the next day, Easter Monday, the President of the United States holds an annual Easter egg roll on the White House lawn for young children. The holiday is also often celebrated as a nonsectarian spring holiday. Not generally observed by most businesses as it always falls on a Sunday. Most financial markets and some other businesses close on the Friday prior, Good Friday (which is a state holiday in many states). Roman Catholic and Protestant groups celebrate Easter on a different Sunday (most years) than Orthodox groups.
Wednesday of last full week of April Administrative Professionals Day A day for honoring secretaries and other administrative personnel, formerly Secretary's Day.
April 22 (varies by location and observance) Earth Day A day used to promote environmentalism.
Spring, date varies Arbor Day A day for the planting of trees, commonly the last Friday of April but depending on the climate of the state.
May 5 Cinco de Mayo Primarily a celebration of Mexican culture by Mexican-Americans living in the United States. Although this is the anniversary of the victory of the Mexican Army over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862, Cinco de Mayo is far more important in the USA than in México itself. Additionally, this "holiday" is often mistaken by Americans as being Mexican Independence Day, which is actually observed on September 16.
Second Sunday in May Mother's Day Honors mothers and motherhood (made a "Federal Holiday" by Presidential order, although most Federal agencies are already closed on Sundays)
Third Saturday in May Armed Forces Day Celebrates the United States Army, Navy, Air Force Marine Corps and Coast Guard; formerly, each had separate days.
June Caribbean American Heritage Month Celebrating the contributions and culture of Caribbean Americans (U.S. Citizens from the Caribbean region) throughout U.S. History.[3]

Honors the contributions and ties of the Caribbean with the United States, encourages citizens to learn about various Caribbean cultures.

First Friday in June Pie-Day Friday Honors Pie; A holiday in which recognizes all the amazing properties of pie, either directly or indirectly.
June 14 Flag Day Honors the American flag, encourages citizens to fly the flag and study its traditions.
June 19 Juneteenth Primarily an African-American holiday, honors the end of slavery in the United States.
Third Sunday in June Father's Day Honors fathers and fatherhood.
September or October (depends on Hebrew calendar) Rosh Hashanah Traditional beginning of the Jewish High Holidays. It is also celebrates the beginning of a new year on the Hebrew calendar.
September or October (depends on Hebrew calendar) Yom Kippur Traditional end of and highest of the Jewish High Holidays.
September, first Sunday after Labor Day Grandparents Day Honors grandparents.
October 12 Columbus Day Honors the first European explorer known to have set foot on North America.
October 16 National Boss Day Also known as Bosses Appreciation Day. It is a day for honoring all employers and bosses.
October 31 Halloween Celebrates All Hallow's Eve, decorations include jack o'lanterns, costume wearing parties, and candy such as candy corn are also part of the holiday. Kids go trick-or-treating to neighbors who give away candy. Not generally observed by businesses.
first Tuesday after the first Monday in November Election Day Observed by the federal and state governments in applicable years; legal holiday in some states.
Saturday that follows November 9 Sadie Hawkins Day This was a day when women would ask men for dates, usually to a dance or other social, breaking with tradition. Named for the character "Sadie Hawkins" from the long-running comic strip Li'l Abner.
December 26 through January 1 Kwanzaa African American holiday celebration created in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Ron Karenga

[edit] State holidays

In addition to the federal holidays, individual states observe the following holidays:

[edit] Insular area holidays

  • Puerto Rico: Commonwealth of Puerto Rico day, July 25 (In Spanish: 25 de Julio, Conmemoración del ELA, or Conmemoración del Estado Libre Asociado)

[edit] Southern holidays

May or may not be legal holidays, depending on state law.

See also: Lee-Jackson-King day
    • Alabama, observed with MLK Day, legal holiday[8]
    • Arkansas, January 19, observed with MLK Day
    • Florida, January 19, legal holiday
    • Georgia, January 19, may be celebrated other days (Friday after Thanksgiving, for example)
    • Mississippi, January 19, legal holiday
    • Tennessee, January 19
  • Nathan Bedford Forrest Day
  • Mardi Gras, held the day before Ash Wednesday.
    • Florida, legal holiday in counties where carnival associations are organized for the purpose of celebrating the same.[6]
    • Louisiana, legal holiday
    • Mississippi, legal holiday
    • Alabama, legal holiday only in Baldwin and Mobile Counties[9]

[edit] Other holidays locally observed

[edit] Non-holiday notable days

  • Super Tuesday (political event, variable)
  • Super Bowl Sunday (sports event; originally the last Sunday in January, it has now moved to the first Sunday in February)
  • Tax Freedom Day (day in which an average citizen is said to have worked enough to pay his or her taxes for the year, used by opponents of taxation)
  • Tax Day (federal and state tax deadline, (April 15) or if on weekend or holiday, next closest Monday or business day)
  • Oktoberfest (celebrated most often in areas with contemporary or historic populations of German heritage)
  • Black Friday (shopping) (the day after Thanksgiving: considered to be the first shopping day of the Christmas season)
  • Festivus (December 23rd): made famous on the TV show Seinfeld.

[edit] Notes

Many observances and special days are declared by the President. See list of observances in the United States by presidential proclamation.

There are many annual observances in the United States (some of which are listed above) that are not celebrated by the rest of the world.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links