Public holidays in Belgium

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In Belgium there are twelve official public holidays. Two of them always fall on a Sunday. Other holidays are also celebrated, but these are not official public holidays, and employers are not obliged to give their employees a day off. However, some employers do award a day's holiday in accordance with union negotiations.

[edit] Public holidays

Holiday Date Dutch French German
New Year's Day January 1 nl:Nieuwjaar fr:Nouvel An de:Neujahr
Easter varying nl:Pasen fr:Pâques de:Ostern
Easter Monday 1st Monday after Easter nl:Paasmaandag fr:Lundi de Pâques de:Ostermontag
Labor Day May 1 nl:Dag van de arbeid fr:Fête du Travail de:Tag der Arbeit
Ascension 6th Thursday after Easter nl:Onze Lieve Heer hemelvaart fr:Ascension de:Christi Himmelfahrt
Pentecost 7th Sunday after Easter nl:Pinksteren fr:Pentecôte de:Pfingsten
Pentecost Monday 8th Monday after Easter nl:Pinkstermaandag fr:Lundi de Pentecôte de:Pfingstmontag
National holiday July 21 nl:Nationale feestdag fr:Fête nationale de:Nationalfeiertag
Assumption of Mary August 15 nl:Onze Lieve Vrouw hemelvaart fr:Assomption de:Mariä Himmelfahrt
All Saints November 1 nl:Allerheiligen fr:Toussaint de:Allerheiligen
Armistice Day November 11 nl:Wapenstilstand fr:Jour de l'armistice de:Waffenstillstand
Christmas December 25 nl:Kerstmis fr:Noël de:Weihnacht

As in 2008 Labor Day and Ascension will both be on May 1, employers are required to declare an additional holiday on another day in the month. May 2 had been proclaimed as the official day for this, but, in response to complaints by several industries, the government decided that the holiday could be placed on any date. In any event, most employers seem to have decided to keep May 2 as the date.

[edit] Holidays celebrated in Belgium that are not official public holidays

Holiday Date Dutch French German
Epiphany January 6 nl:Driekoningen fr:Épiphanie de:Erscheinung des Herrn
Valentine's Day February 14 nl:Valentijnsdag fr:Saint-Valentin de:Valentinstag
Day of the Flemish Community July 11 nl:Feest van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap observed in Flanders only observed in Flanders only
Day of the French Community of Belgium September 27 observed in the French Community only fr:Fête de la Communauté française de Belgique observed in the French Community only
All Soul's Day November 2 nl:Allerzielen fr:Fête des morts de:Allerseelen
Day of the German-speaking Community of Belgium November 15 observed in the German-speaking region only observed in the German-speaking region only de:Tag der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens
King's Feast November 15 nl:Koningsfeest fr:Fête du Roi de:Festtag des Königs
Saint Nicholas December 6 nl:Sinterklaas fr:Saint-Nicolas (fête) de:Sankt Nikolaus

The days of the three communities are holidays for their civil servants and for employees of institutions controlled, supervised of financed by them (e.g. municipalities, universities) and may also be observed by banks in the concerned community. King's feast is a holiday observed by all (i.e. federal, community or regional, provincial and local) administrations.