Public Security Intelligence Agency

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Public Security Intelligence Agency
Agency overview
Formed July 21, 1952
Jurisdiction Government of Japan
Headquarters Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan
Employees 4,000 officers[1]
Annual Budget 15,099,256,683 Yen (As of 2006)
Ministers Responsible Kunio Hatoyama, Japanese Minister of Justice
Katsuyaki Kawai, Vice-Minister of Justice
Agency Executive Toshiro Yanagi, Director-General
Parent agency Japanese Ministry of Justice
Official Site (Japanese)
PSIA building
PSIA building

The Public Security Intelligence Agency (公安調査庁 kōanchōsa-chō?) is an agency administered by the Ministry of Justice in the government of Japan, and is an organization that conducts espionage on threats to Japanese security based on Subversive Activities Prevention Law[2][3].

As the national agency with the role to collect intelligence information, PSIA contributes to Japanese government policy by providing relevant organizations with necessary foreign and domestic data (collected through investigations and intelligence activities) on subversive organizations.[2] It's also known that the PSIA is responsible for conducting surveillance and intelligence-related work on Zainichi Koreans in Japanese soil[2]. It conducts its operations in both domestic and foreign soil[4].


[edit] History

The Public Security Intelligence Agency was established with the enforcement of the Subversive Activities Prevention Law in July 21, 1952[3].

Initially focusing on threats from pro-left wing groups such as the Japanese Red Army during the days of the Cold War, it began to conduct intelligence work on the Aum Shinrikyo after the Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995[2] with criticism that the PSIA did not monitor the group, especially with their attempt to acquire and stockpile biological weapons on Japanese soil[4]. The PSIA had cooperated with the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Public Security Bureau in investigating Aum Shinrikyo for a number of years. When asked about their investigation on the cult, a PSIA report had said "There has been no change in its dangerous nature. Strict surveillance is essential."[5].

The PSIA had investigated Aum Shinrikyo when it was revealed that the group had established software firms that could pose security risks to Japan[6].

Chongryon has been under PSIA surveillance for a long time, suspecting it of supposedly performing espionage activities in Japanese soil[7]. The Japanese Ministry of Justice has sought ¥270 million to fund the PSIA on North Korean espionage activities[8].

The PSIA had been suppose to be integrated with Naicho in order to reorient the agency to a post-Cold War and to enhance Naicho's resources, but the proposal was not adopted[4].

[edit] Current PSIA cases

  • An investigation into French Al-Qaeda terrorist Lionel Dumont had been the responsibility of the PSIA in 2004[9].
  • The PSIA had recently raided the headquarters of Fumihiro Joyu's Hikari no Wa on May 10, 2007[10]. Despite on insistences from Joyu that his group had ended ties with Aum Shinrikyo, a PSIA official warned that his group has ties to Shoko Asahara[11].

[edit] Organization

The PSIA is formed with the current organization:[12]

  • Internal Departments
    • General Affairs Department
    • First Intelligence Department
    • Second Intelligence Department
  • Institute
    • Training Institute
  • Regional Bureaus
    • Public Security Intelligence Bureaus (Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hiroshima, Fukuoka and Takamatsu)
      • Public Security Intelligence Offices (Kushiro, Morioka, Saitama, Chiba, Yokohama, Niigata, Nagano, Shizuoka, Naha, Kobe, Okayama, Kumamoto, Kyoto and Kanazawa)

[edit] Foreign ties

The PSIA has ties to several foreign intelligence agencies including the CIA, FBI, Mossad and MI6 with several PSIA agents being invited to train with the CIA under its Intelligence Analysis Course[13].

[edit] Investment Allegation

There had been some suggestion that Chongryon's head office in Chiyoda had been sold to Shigetake Ogata, an ex-director-general of the PSIA under the agency's influence. A PSIA press statement cleared this allegation when it said that it denied being involved in the deal between Chongryon and Ogata[14].

Ogata had been arrested for alleged fraud, which he had denied[15]. Ogata had been later charged with fraud after he admitted that he did so[16].

[edit] Known heads of PSIA

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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