Ptolemy of Epirus

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Ptolemy (in Greek Πτoλεμαιoς; died c. 235 BC), king of Epirus, was the second son of Alexander II, king of Epirus, and Olympias, and grandson of the great Pyrrhus. He succeeded to the throne on the death of his elder brother, Pyrrhus II, but reigned only a very short time, having set out on a military expedition, during the course of which he fell sick and died. Polyaenus, instead, tells us a different story and states that he was treasonably assassinated.1 The date of his reign cannot be fixed with certainty, but as he was contemporary with Demetrius II, king of Macedonia, it may be placed between 239 and 229 BC. He was succeeded by his niece Deidamia.

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1 Polyaenus, Stratagemata, viii. 52; Justin, Epitome of Pompeius Trogus, xxviii. 1, 3; Pausanias, Description of Greece, iv. 35

This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology by William Smith (1870).
