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Fossil range: Early Devonian
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Heterostraci
Family: Pteraspidae
Genus: Pteraspis
Species: P. stensioei
Binomial name
Pteraspis stensioei

Pteraspis is an extinct genus of primitive jawless fish that lived in the Devonian period.

Like other heterostracan fishes, Pteraspis had a protective armored plating covering the front of its body. Though lacking fins beyond its lobed tail, it is thought to have been a good swimmer thanks to stiff, wing-like protrusions derived from its branchial plates (the parts of their armor that covered their gills). This, along with the horn-like rostrum (nose-like projection), made Pteraspis very streamlined in shape- a perfect quality for a good swimmer. Pteraspis also had some stiff spikes on its back, possibly an additional form of protection against predators. It is thought to have fed from shoals of plankton just under the ocean surface.
