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The term Psyber is a valid terminology tied in with the Cyberpunk genre and is used heavily within this group along with other digital and Gen-x’er and computer users who are tied heavily into the online community.
The origination of the word along with it’s original usage and meaning I think is significant enough to be included in the Wiki as is Cyber, Cyberpunk, Cybernetics, Psychology, references to MMORPG’s “MMO’s” Chat environments etc.
The Term Psyber itself designates a type of interfacing with technology which is significant, and drives the current world as a global environment that did not exist 35 years ago.
I feel this term should not be deleted for the reason given which was "Wikipedia is not a Dictionary" As this is in conjunction with and a part of the Cyberpunk and online culture and terms that is represented here in Wikipedia.
- never ever have heard this term before and I know a lot about science fiction and early cyberpunk culture. someone trying to promote their own idea/term, basically, seemsl ike to me. --***Ria777 13:52, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
- While it may be a valid term, it is still just that: a term. A dictionary defines terms; an encyclopedia explains subjects. "Cyber", in and of itself, isn't in here either; it's not even a term, it's a prefix. "Cyberpunk" and "cybernetics", in addition to being terms, are subjects.
- I came to this page from the Cyberpunk entry, and, upon seeing that citations were needed, I went out and attempted to find some. With due respect, if the term "psyber" were heavily enough used, I should think I would have found several discussions of it on the web. After some work, I found nothing of an academic nature save one person's research paper, and since that has no references which post-date 1995, I suspect that the author was trying to coin the term himself over ten years ago. I definitely do not feel that research should be limited to online sources, but, given the nature of the term, online is precisely where one would expect to find it. Instead, I see it used almost exclusively in brand names, people's handles, and plays upon the word "cyberpunk". If you have sources, online or print, that show significant uses of "psyber" other than those, preferably as a coining by an established, published academic or scientist, you'll have a better chance of making your point. In addition, it seems to make a better prefix than a noun. I've also searched "psybernetics" and "psyberpunk" and had equally disappointing results. Perhaps someone can do better. Mordant Kitten 02:17, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
- Just wanted to say that I was mistaken in saying that "cyber" is not in Wikipedia as a term; it's under Cyber (subculture). But that one is also tagged for possible original research and lack of citations. Mordant Kitten 02:23, 19 June 2007 (UTC)
I do apologize for the seriously delayed response here.
Just a foot note, it was a term used for a very narrow and specific type of study. “Psyber” itself is not a generalized public understanding or a designated theme for movies and/or Sci-fi books.
Psyber is in regards to psychological studies, in regards to a very specific phenomenon in regards to social interaction when blending technology in the manner of which interaction is based, Vs what is termed “real world contact”
In answer to Ria777: Question is, are you quoting sci-fi books and movie in regards to the definition or the word? Because you will not find much reference to this word if those are your base of sources.
The “Psyber” interfacing would be, that of human-machine-human links in regards to mental connection and communication to others, not just to the machine itself, which is what "cybernetics" is termed.
Though the environment (being cyberpunk) Such as with the Matrix series, where most of the interfacing and interaction is literally though a neuro connection, which projects an individual into a virtual environment.
Firefox, where the weapons are thought controlled, Johnny pneumonic, where information is stored within the mind, Most of William Gibson’s work is in regards to interfacing into virtual environments or what is known as “Jacking in”
The Cyberpunk genre which was popularized by the group (not mainstream media mind you) by R. Talsoian as a RPG is heavily influenced with this mind linking directly to machines, then linking to other individuals, and a society of individuals connected via computer links directly into your mind, which is what the Matrix is a representation of.
So this is in fact represented though not directly named as such. The method of connection is understood as “Cybernetics” "Psyber" is part of the "cyber" culture but not used so much by the "Cyberpunk" group, as much as those who study them.
The psychological connection to others with the “Cybernetic” connection, though was termed “Psyber” or “Psybernetic”, as the term covers connections with others through technology, not man connecting to machines or the usable interfaces. Your looking through the wrong door, so to speak if that is the angle your taking on this.
As such, you yourself probably fall under this category as you may have friends you have never met in the “Real world” but feel a friendship to, due only to your interaction through a keyboard and screen feed back, though had the internet not existed, and you met them in “real life” you may have nothing to do with them due to their physical appearance or social standing in society, or be influenced by others opinion of them. So you would fall under the group studied with the Psyber phenomenon.
This is not an explanation of sci-fi stories, gaming, or as a media trolling definition, this has to do with real world exploration of social structure and changes which is directly influenced by technology which does not occur naturally. This is a man made phenomenon, due to technology and the tools we use as an advanced civilization.
Question is; are you a Doctorate or PHD in social/technological and social structure and studies? Are you involved with the study, or simply trying to find reference with media stories movies and gaming? Though the term is not the “official study of” it is the short hand word of this line of study. So you may find little reference to it in regards to the meaning as it generally is not a public description or “kitchen counter” catch phrase.
In answer to Mordant Kitten:
True most research that the term was used in, is not online at the initial research stages, as at the time internet access was not readily available and some what expensive. At the time the studies there where active online groups more in isolated networks of BBS systems rather then the singular Internet structure of today.
I myself do not publish my works online nor did the others involved. However it was a term used across various campuses at the time of study, and is used more in passing then as subject titles.
My original work, as with others that did come to fruit, as the internet opened up for general public use. Where for thesis work more then medical journal publications. Though at the time we where considered as a specialist non-relative group of studies. Today however this has such a significant impact that it goes far beyond the initial usage and study.
My current understanding of this study has branched into government research on individuals and networking structures. So there is a fair amount of this going on, just not in the mainstream world.
I also understand this research is branching into the long term study for space exploration in dealing with long term isolation and dealing with “cabin fever” so to speak, when someone is contained in limited living environments for long durations.
I was also recently informed that the dealing with long term isolation and aversions, as of various form of psychosis arriving form long term isolation which can be alleviated with this form of non-physical interaction. Simple example is, as with MMO type of environments, giving the individuals in question a “massive” open virtual environment that will satisfy an individuals psychological need for “space”
Prior to computers, an individual could not stand to be in a chair in a small room for days on end spending up to 50 hours a week. They had to get out, walk around, go and interact with environments, such as walking or interacting with friends.
With the understanding of psybernetic interaction, one no longer needs to be in real environments and can be enclosed in a very tight space. They feel satisfied of large environments and interaction with multitudes of other people, even though they are not actually physically and “really” doing so. It is simulated, and it is the mental projection that it is so, even though it is not really so.
Though this study is still under investigation, advanced results are pending and not currently published in any medical journals. Though the psybernetic connection is usually with others in the environment, the implementing of highly scripted and interactive A.I.'s is coming to light, which will satisfy, to a point, the psychological need for interaction and networking that humans require to maintain a stable and healthy "mind".
Though the fact that “psybernetic interfacing” is not listed as internet filled references, or referenced in books, movies, stories, and games, I would think it does not invalidate the terminology or study in itself, as regardless if individuals wish to accept the studies or not, they are currently being done and funded by private, corporate and government entities around the world to understand and maximize its usage as a social tool.
As stated it is a "reference" to the type of study, as apposed to "labeling" the type of study itself. Example. “Shrink” is a common term used for “Psychiatrist” which is also someone who does “psychological therapy”
Though the usage is common enough for the average person to understand, some 60 years ago, no one would know what your talking about when you said “Shrink” or “head shrinker”
Though that may change a bit later on, they (industry at large) still wish to label this branch of study under the catch all phrase of "psychology" though various individuals in the field feel it should be labeled differently because it is a very specific line of study. The terminology “Psyber” was specific to this field and line of study alone and not used in reference to anything else.
psyberwolf 7:26PM 22 December 2007
unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:04, 23 December 2007 (UTC)
Whilst I find it somewhat amusing that you're claiming that a term that is intrinsically bound to the internet has no online studies dedicated to it, could you perhaps provide a few journal or book based references? Despite a fairly long-standing interest in post-humanism and online psychology, I've never seen this term before.
It's also worth pointing out that the one study actually referenced in the text, Hayles' "How we became post-human", doesn't mention the term at all.
I'd just like to see some actual studies that use the term, I suppose. Burnage13 (talk) 22:35, 23 December 2007 (UTC)
Greetings Burnage13
The reference I was making was to the study that the term made reference to, not studies that use the term directly as there is no study of the term "Psyber" or "Psybernetic". as it is not a study in itself rather reference to the type of study that the label was put on.
Just as individuals do not call prosthesis as Cybernetic implants. but rather "Artificial" such as an artificial limb, rather then a Cybernetic limb.
So other then the gaming reference of the cyberpunk genre, you wont find much in regards to it in the medical field, though it is starting to pick up. Though the "old school" researchers and professors that we worked under, heavily discounted computers and BBS's at the time (prior to the internet explosion) it doesn't change the fact that a group of individuals used the term in question back during the 80's.
You will find there is many many online studies dedicated to the psychological/digital interface networking, which are a couple of the examples provided INSNA JOSS IALP
I am not sure where you are saying "the internet has no online studies dedicated to it" When there are many online resources to this line of research. Though I do understand it is not called "Psyber research" if that is your meaning, in which case it will be very few papers named "Psyber" or "Psybernetic" researching, as it is still technically called human networking. Though it is an inside reference with the professional community.
As with the previous mention of the research paper this is a term used by those in the field of study more so then mainstream media, as with those in the actual field of research which is still pretty small.
In regards to what it is making reference to. This reference essay is in regards to the connection of cybernetic interfacing meshing with psychology hence the melded term Psybernet instead of Cybernet. However it was a term used at the initial stage of this exploration and study and time has passed and new generations of individuals use different terms. I was out of the field of study by the late 90's so I am not currently active in this research anymore.
I did notice this reference Resume where at the bottom of the page the person is using the term in regards to "long term visions", in regards to field of study. So that in itself should shed some light on the fact it is used in the professional community as it is being referenced to, for serious and direct employment on an international level.
For entertainment media reference. The "Cyberpunk" group used it in their RPG references in regards to label neural-interfacing with machines as referenced here An Phar So it is a term in relation to Sci-fi genre, just not a mainstream referenced genre. Anyone claiming to be into hard Sci-fi, and hard Cyberpunk genera has not ever "heard" of this word as many claim they are staunch Cyberpunk players but never heard of it before. which makes me think they do not in fact know what cyberpunk is.
In the RPG genre psybernetics usually has to do with artificial enhancements with the brain, such as infusing tech into the brain to enhance function or enable direct linking into networks such as with Ghost in the Shell where individuals dive into the "net" by projecting a virtual representation of "self" into what is known as cyberspace.
Also Timothy Leery used the term often but more in regards to intellectual only references. Though Leery's definition has to do with 'psychedelic experience expressed in electronic form' which takes it off track a little, not unlike when someone references the original term "Cyber" which is connection of machine and flesh, and using the term "Cyber" to make reference to having "cyber-sex" or sex that does not involve actual physical contact with another individual but done through computer networks. I do have to say though We where using the term before Leery was.
That reference is here psYbernetic though you can troll through Leery's work and find many references to the word itself.
In regards to the book, how we became post human, it is in regards to how it is labeled, reviewed and categorized in regards to what the book covers and how people reference the material.
It seems the argument is more over semantics then the actual study of human networking with digital mediums and digital to psychological connection as the term was originally used for.
Though I will take time in the near future to publish the works online, as that seems to be the point of contention.
You may have more luck searching on psybernetic or psybernetics rather then psyber, if that is how your searching for reference.
psyberwolf 12:35 AM 24 December 2007