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Pseudopanax lessonii
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Apiales
Family: Araliaceae
Genus: Pseudopanax

Pseudopanax is a small genus of 12-20 species of evergreen plants, the majority of which are endemic to New Zealand, although they also occur in Tasmania (Australia) and some plants from South America have at times been included in this genus. Pseudopanax occur in forest or scrub environments. The genus contains some remarkable small trees with distinctly different juvenile and adult forms, such as Pseudopanax crassifolius and Pseudopanax ferox (commonly referred to as 'lancewood' and 'toothed lancewood', respectively). Pseudopanax arboreus (common name "Five-finger") is a very common small tree in New Zealand native forests. Many of the species are popular in New Zealand gardens, but are rather rare in cultivation elsewhere, requiring mild, moist conditions similar to those in New Zealand, without extremes of temperature in winter and summer. They reportedly grow well in southern California and warmer parts of Great Britain. A number of cultivars have been developed, mostly of Pseudopanax lessonii. These include 'Gold Splash' which has yellow variegated leaves, and 'Nigra' which has dark purple-brown foliage.

There are also two species endemic to Southern Chile and Argentina, P. laetevirens a small tree, and P. valdiviensis, a woody vine from Valdivian temperate rain forests. However both of these species are included by some authors in Raukaua.

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