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Pseudolikelihood is a measure in statistics that serves as an approximation of the distribution of a random variable. Given a set of random variables X = X1,X2,...Xn and a set E of dependencies between these random variables, where implies Xi is conditionally independent of Xj given Xi's neighbors, the pseudolikelihood of X = x = (x1,x2,...xn) is
X is a vector of variables, x is a vector of values. The expression X = x above means that each variable Xi in the vector X has a corresponding value xi in the vector x. The expression P(X = x) is the probability that the vector of variables X has values equal to the vector x. Because situations can often be described using state variables ranging over a set of possible values, the expression P(X = x) can therefore represent the probability of a certain state among all possible states allowed by the state variables.
Pseudo-log-likelihood is a similar measure derived from the above expression.
One use of the pseudolikelihood measure is as an approximation of inference over a Markov network or Bayesian network, as the pseudolikelihood of an assignment to Xi may often be computed more efficiently than the likelihood, particularly when the latter may require marginalization over a large number of variables.
[edit] Citations
- Besag, J. (1975). Statistical Analysis of Non-Lattice Data. The Statistician, 24(3):179--195.