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This is a dicussion really to say how you feel about GCA. it is about time that we as a student body express ourselves the problems and changes that need to accure on the capus of Georgia Cumberland Academy. Our Motto is to Know TO LOVE and to Serve. But as things progress it it more like to kick out to punish and to send home. Gca should be a place where teens and teachers can come together and talk about things and resovle there problems. i dont care if this thing gets me in trouble. because you cant get someone in trouble from speaking from the heart and whats on his or her mind. things like this stay in our mind and if we dont express them they just sit there. i have friends who say GCA is Power Hungery and others says its a racist school but its how they few it and and what goes on with them. We need to put aside our differences and work things out students and faculty. it seems that Faculty just get a free pass when the students dont get even a desent argument. But I ask you What would God say if he saw this academy right now and the way it was acting. Would it still be Gods Chosen Academy. I have said it many Times and i will say it again if we are not Careful GCA is going to hell. So many times in life we try to find loopholes around a problem but that never works again and again we find ourselves right back where we started. I dont know how long any of us can take it here but we are here for a reason and only God Knows that reason. None of the faculty and our parents make that decsion for us. we ourselves as students and adults have to make that decsion. so many things right now are going throug my head problems i feel like i should change. theres not point in change if it isnt you or the other person in terms Facutly and student. im not going just to sit back and let it just slide how long am i jsut going to sit and wait for it too get worse maybe it will maybe its gods will. Lets just stop thinking that we are better than anyone else that we own and run the school with a snap of our fingers and rather make this Gods Academy not Daddy and Mommys academy