Talk:Proto-Dené-Caucasian language

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To-do list for Proto-Dené-Caucasian language:

Here are some tasks you can do:

    • Finish the correspondences
      • Suprasegmentals
      • Segmentals
    • Provide (links to) some examples

    --Pet'usek [petrdothrubisatgmaildotcom] 21:38, 29 January 2008 (UTC)

    It seems we're both editing the article at the same time, David ;-)

    I didn't know that you had created the article at all. After all, the DC article doesn't have even a single link to the PDC article yet! I can't have been it. I'll make a few links right now. David Marjanović 11:28, 12 March 2007 (UTC)
    That's strange. I had to repeat putting Arial Unicode MS (which misplaces tie bars) in front of Lucida Sans Unicode (which lacks tie bars altogether) so I can see the tie bars (and because all Lucida fonts are ugly). Yet, nobody edited the page between my two edits! How is that possible!?! David Marjanović 14:10, 17 March 2007 (UTC)
    David, I just didn't want any links to this article, as it's far from ready and there's not much new information at the moment. As for the font problems - I have no idea. --Pet'usek [petr dot hrubis at gmail dot com] 13:18, 20 March 2007 (UTC)