Talk:Protests during the EU summit in Gothenburg 2001
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Archive 1: July 2005 - November 2006
[edit] PL13 and PL11
It would be great if someone, perhaps someone who knows the Swedish law well, could write about the Swedish police law paragraph 11 and 13. This should be of interest both to Swedes and internationals since there are no such laws in other western countries (as far as I know). It also sheds light on events in Gothenburg and on the trials. Of course a more extensive description should be in an article of its own and would be crosslinked to the Gothenburg 2001 since it is one of the foremost events when this law has been used. Nejtan 05:46, 22 November 2006 (UTC)
- PL13 says "om någon genom sitt uppträdande stör den allmänna ordningen eller utgör en omedelbar fara för denna, får en polisman, när det är nödvändigt för att ordningen skall kunna upprätthållas, avvisa eller avlägsna honom från visst område eller utrymme. Detsamma gäller om en sådan åtgärd behövs för att en straffbelagd handling skall kunna avvärjas" (translated: "if someone by his behaviour distub the public order or is a danger to it a policeman may, when necessary to uphold the order, reject or remove him from a certain area or space. The same applies if such an order is necessary to be able to avert a punishable action."). // Liftarn (talk)