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ProTracker is a tracker, a program for creating music savable as MOD-files. The most significant difference between ProTracker and other trackers is that ProTracker is based on the original tracker, SoundTracker. It also has more built-in tools than almost any other tracker and supports all aspects of the MOD file-format. (With the exception of 100-pattern modules between V3.0 and V3.50) If you don't count MIDI, about 99% of all music on the Amiga is made on ProTracker.[citation needed]

ProTracker has become a standard for music and the MOD-files are even supported by most sample-based music programs on the PC. However, the user interface for the ProTracker is neither multitasking-friendly nor does it conform to the standard GUI guidelines. The reason for this is that the GUI consumes quite a bit of the program itself, and not all keyboard-shortcuts are comfortably read through the system.)

[edit] External links
