Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj

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Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj

Established: 1948
Type: private
Rector: Tamás Juhász
Faculty: 24
Students: 188
Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The Protestant Theological Institute (Romanian: Institutul Teologic Protestant; Hungarian: Protestáns Teológiai Intézet; German: Protestantisch-Theologisches Institut) is a Protestant seminary and private university in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The state-recognized institution trains ministers for three separate Protestant faiths: Calvinism (the Reformed Church in Romania), Lutheranism (the majority-Hungarian Evangelical Lutheran Church and the majority-Saxon Evangelical Church of Augustan Confession), as well as Unitarianism (the Unitarian Church of Transylvania).

The Protestant Institute is coordinated by five bishoprics: one Unitarian and two Lutheran, together with the Reformed Piatra Craiului District and Transylvania District. Its Cluj-Napoca center houses two branches — the Reformed-Evangelical Faculty (offering training for members of the Reformed Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church), and the Unitarian Faculty. In addition to these, the Institute includes a Saxon-Evangelical Faculty, which is based in Sibiu and is maintained by the Evangelical Church of Augustan Confession.

The Institute was founded in 1948, reuniting the Cluj-based Reformed Theological Faculty and Unitarian Faculty the Theological Academy, as well as being the first local seminary for Lutherans. It has a claim to being the sole Protestant theological institution to teach in two languages (Hungarian and German) and to have two separate local sections.

Universities in Romania
 Alba Iulia  1 December 1918 University
 Arad  Vasile Goldiş West University | Aurel Vlaicu University
 Baia Mare  Northern University
 Braşov  Transylvania University
 Bucharest  University of Bucharest | Polytechnic University | Academy of Economic Studies | Carol Davila University | Music University | University of Agronomical Sciences and Veterinary Medicine | Technical University of Civil Engineering | Ion Mincu University | University of Agronomy | University of Journalism and Communication Science | Titu Maiorescu University | University of Arts | UNATC | Academy for Physical Education and Sports | Academy of Higher Military Studies | Military Technical Academy | Police Academy | Academy of Medical Sciences | Academy for Agricultural and Forest Sciences | Otopeni Military Institute | Institute of Military Medicine | SNSPA | Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University | Spiru Haret University
 Cluj-Napoca  Babeş-Bolyai University | Technical University | Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy | University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine | Art and Design University | Gheorghe Dima Music Academy | Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania | Greek-Catholic Theological Institute | Protestant Theological Institute | Avram Iancu University | Bogdan Vodă University
 Constanţa  Mircea cel Bătrân Naval Academy | Ovidius University | Maritime University
 Craiova  University of Craiova | University of Medicine and Pharmacy
 Iaşi  University of Iaşi | Petre Andrei University | Gheorghe Asachi Technical University | Grigore T. Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy | George Enescu University of Arts | University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine
 Oradea  University of Oradea | Agora University
 Piteşti  University of Piteşti | Constantin Brâncoveanu University
 Sibiu  Lucian Blaga University | Nicolae Bălcescu Land Forces Academy
 Suceava  Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava
 Târgu Mureş  University of Medicine and Pharmacy | Szentgyörgy István Drama School
 Timişoara  West University | Polytechnic University | Victor Babeş University of Medicine and Pharmacy | Banat University of Agricultural Sciences