Protest Warrior

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Protest Warrior is a conservative political activist protest group. It is an international organization; its main focus is on the politics of the U.S. and Israel. The group was formed in 2003 by Alan Lipton and Kfir Alfia in Austin, Texas. Its slogan is "Fighting the left... doing it right". The group's website is also named "Protest Warrior".


[edit] History

Protest Warrior was founded by Kfir Alfia and Alan Lipton in 2003. Alfia's family moved to Dallas from Israel when he was two years old. He attended Hebrew school at Akiba Academy and proceeded to J.J. Pearce High School before attending the University of Texas at Austin. As a teen, he read many libertarian texts by writers such as Friedrich Hayek and Ayn Rand, as well as conservative publications such as National Review. He was a fan of talk radio and he was a published source at Contumacy.Org [1] as well as the Austin Review.[1]

In February 2003, Alfia was working as a computer chip designer in San Francisco when he reunited with Alan Lipton, a childhood friend, and crashed an anti-war protest[citation needed] in San Francisco on February 16, 2003. The two carried their own signs. Alfia's sign showed a woman in a burqa tied to a pole with a leash around her neck, and was captioned "Protect Islamic Property Rights Against Western Imperialism. Say No To War!" Lipton's sign said, "Saddam Only Kills His Own People. It's None Of Our Business."

[edit] Motivation

Seeing "liberals" (in the modern U.S. usage of the term) as "morally and politically bankrupt" and having a monopoly of media attention, Protest Warrior believes that voices of the left "are heard disproportionately, demoralizing our troops, and emboldening dictators around the world."[2]

A newsletter on the site published by Alan and Kfir expressed objection to Islam itself, rather than fundamentalists in particular:

"What's becoming clear is how the religion of Islam is addicted to war and mayhem. Not a radical minority, not a rogue sect, but its very essence is about submission and sacrifice and proving your worth by worshiping death in this life to gain a paradise of orgies and drunkenness. Their entire history is of warfare, and any accomplishments of their so-called Golden Age has been proven to be merely parasitic off the cultures they've conquered and reduced to dhimmi servitude. That every country under sharia is corrupt, belligerent, desolate and barbaric obviously gives them no pause, except to constantly drive them into further psychotic rage as they refuse to ever accept any responsibility for their conditions. They are akin to the powers in Orwell's 1984; there must always be an enemy. It's no surprise that women are treated like property in these countries as that's the only way Muslim men can feed their egos, to dominate others rather than ever actually produce something." [3]

[edit] Method

The group's primary method of activism is crashing perceived liberal events, chiefly anti-war protest marches, and counter-demonstrating within their ranks. For instance, Protest Warriors have attended rallies against Halliburton, Caterpillar Inc., Israel, and U.S. President George W. Bush, displaying support for these entities. When doing so, the Protest Warriors carry large signs often designed to appear similar to those held by the participants of the event they are crashing, enabling them to mingle until observers are close enough to read their signs' sarcastic fine-print. [4] At least once this has back-fired: counter-protesters supporting George W. Bush during a protest in Crawford, Texas, failed to notice the sarcasm and clashed violently with the Protest Warriors.[citation needed]

Examples of Protest Warrior Signs:

After large operations, videos are posted documenting the events. The videos include confrontations with other protesters and the reactions of those protesters. Protest Warriors claim that these videos demonstrate that liberals' “true feelings and agendas…have nothing to do with hating war, and everything to do with hating America.”[2]

[edit] Reactions

Conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh featured a Protest Warrior action in San Francisco on his website and complimented the group on its work. [6]

[edit] Website

The group maintains a website as an organizing and information hub. It also acts as a source for the many slogans and signs presented by Protest Warriors at protests, as well as offering a sign creation tutorial to registered members. The website also includes an online shop. The website also featured numerous forums, but they were shut down without explanation[7] on September 13, 2006 and stayed down for about eleven months. The Protest Warrior message board is currently back online.

The website has been the target of various attempts at politically motivated hacking in the course of its existence. Most notably, in January, 2005 the site was hacked by Chicago native and anarchist Jeremy Hammond, affiliated with the website, to steal credit card numbers and shut down the web server. Hammond was indicted in May, 2006, and sentenced to two years in prison on December 7, 2006.[3]

[edit] Past operations

Local and National chapters of Protest Warrior have carried out operations in the United States and abroad. Examples of past Protest Warrior operations include:

  • On January 20, 2005, "Operation Hail to the Chief" drew thirteen Protest Warriors to Washington D.C. to oppose those protesting the second inauguration of President George W. Bush. [8]
  • During the 2004 Republican National Convention, a group of Protest Warriors staged a counterprotest, "Operation Liberty Rising".[9] [10]
  • On August 27, 2005, a group of three Protest Warriors led by co-founder Kfir Alfia was the target of animosity at a conservative counter-Cindy Sheehan rally in Crawford, Texas. Despite the Protest Warriors' assurances that they were on the same side, the conservative protesters repeatedly shouted at them, destroyed the Protest Warrior signs, and forced the Protest Warriors to leave the rally, mistaking them for anti-war protesters.[11]

[edit] Current status, future campaigns

Kfir, the founder of Protest Warrior, was quoted: "We're going to be protesting abortion more and more, and we'll probably get involved in the defense of marriage, too." in an interview he gave to the Dominionism proponent Lee Duigon from the Christian Reconstructionist Chalcedon Foundation.[14]

The current status of Protest Warrior is unknown:

  • "ProtestWarrior, LLC", formed as a limited liability company in Texas in 2003, is currently listed by the state as "Not In Good Standing"[4], meaning that Protest Warrior has failed to file its annual paperwork and pay due taxes/fees[5].
  • The main discussion forums for PW closed in September 2006 after a continuously declining amount of community discussion. The public forums were reopened in August 2007.

[edit] References

  1. ^ "The Right's Stuff", Dallas Observer, September 9, 2004. 
  2. ^
  3. ^ Chicago Tribune. Retrieved on 2006-12-16.
  4. ^ Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts. Retrieved on 2006-11-17.
  5. ^ Franchise Tax Determination of Good Standing. Retrieved on 2006-11-17.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links
