Propositional directed acyclic graph

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A propositional directed acyclic graph (PDAG) is a data structure that is used to represent a Boolean function. A Boolean function can be represented as a rooted, directed acyclic graph of the following form:

  • Leaves are labeled with \top (true), \bot (false), or a Boolean variable.
  • Non-leaves are \mathcal{4} (logical and), \mathcal{5} (logical or) and \Diamond (logical not).
  • \mathcal{4}- and \mathcal{5}-nodes have at least one child.
  • \Diamond-nodes have exactly one child.

Leaves labeled with \top (\bot) represent the constant Boolean function which always evaluates to 1 (0). A leaf labeled with a Boolean variable x is interpreted as the assignment x = 1, i.e. it represents the Boolean function which evaluates to 1 if and only if x = 1. The Boolean function represented by a \mathcal{4}-node is the one that evaluates to 1, if and only if the Boolean function of all its children evaluate to 1. Similarly, a \mathcal{5}-node represents the Boolean function that evaluates to 1, if and only if the Boolean function of at least one child evaluates to 1. Finally, a \Diamond-node represents the complemenatary Boolean function its child, i.e. the one that evaluates to 1, if and only if the Boolean function of its child evaluates to 0.

[edit] PDAG, BDD, and NNF

Every binary decision diagram (BDD) and every negation normal form (NNF) is also a PDAG with some particular properties. The following pictures represent the Boolean function f(x1,x2,x3) = − x1 * − x2 * − x3 + x1 * x2 + x2 * x3:

BDD for the function f
BDD for the function f
PDAG for the function f obtained from the BDD
PDAG for the function f obtained from the BDD
PDAG for the function f
PDAG for the function f

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • M. Wachter & R. Haenni, "Propositional DAGs: a New Graph-Based Language for Representing Boolean Functions", KR'06, 10th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Lake District, UK, 2006.
  • M. Wachter & R. Haenni, "Probabilistic Equivalence Checking with Propositional DAGs", Technical Report iam-2006-001, Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, University of Bern, Switzerland, 2006.
  • M. Wachter, R. Haenni & J. Jonczy, "Reliability and Diagnostics of Modular Systems: a New Probabilistic Approach", DX'06, 18th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, Peñaranda de Duero, Burgos, Spain, 2006.