Proletariat (party)

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Proletariat celebrated on the 100 zł banknote of 1974 in the People's Republic of Poland
Proletariat celebrated on the 100 banknote of 1974 in the People's Republic of Poland

Proletariat (also spelled as Proletaryat and known as I Proletariat, Wielki Proletariat (Great Proletariat) and Międzynarodowa Socjalno-Rewolucyjna Partia Proletariat (International Social-Revolutionary Party Proletariat)) was the first Polish socialist party. It was founded in 1882 by Ludwik Waryński; chief activists included Stanisław Kunicki, Maria Bohuszewiczówna, Marian Stefan Ulrych, Aleksandra Jentysówna, Tadeusz Rechniewski, Henryk Dulęba). The party supported internationalism and opposed Polish independence movement. In 1883-1884 several of the chief activists were arrested and the party lost much of its power; it was disbanded in 1886. Its traditions would be continued by the II Proletariat party created in 1888 which in 1893 would merge with three other Polish socialist parties to create the Polska Partia Socjalistyczna (Polish Socialist Party, PPS).
