Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies

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The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies was established in 2005 as a partnership between the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and the Pew Charitable Trusts.[1] The Project is intended to address the social, political, and public safety aspects of nanotechnology. It intends in particular to look for research and policy gaps and opportunities in knowledge and regulatory processes, and to develop strategies for closing them. The project works with multiple U.S. and foreign governments and organizations.

The project's stated goal is "to inform the debate and to create an active public and policy dialogue. It is not an advocate either for, or against, particular nanotechnologies. Rather, the Project seeks to ensure that as these technologies are developed, potential human health and environmental risks are anticipated, properly understood, and effectively managed."[2]


[edit] Publications

One of the notable reports is on Managing the Effects of Nanotechnology, written by J. Clarence (Terry) Davies in 2006.[3] They also produce an online database on Nanotechnology Health and Environmental Implications: An inventory of current research,[4][5][6] and a series of PEN Reports.[7] Their work has also been published in academic journals such as Nature Nanotechnology.[8]

A major activity of the Project is testimony on public forums.[9][10][8]

[edit] Staff

  • David Rejeski, director, also the Director of the Foresight and Governance Project at the Woodrow Wilson Center, an initiative designed to facilitate long-term thinking and planning in the public sector.
  • Julia Moore, Deputy Director, former Senior Advisor in the Office of International Science and Engineering at the National Science Foundation (2003-2005).
  • Andrew Maynard, Science Advisor to the Project, former member of the Aerosols research group of the UK Health and Safety Executive, and later at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
  • Barbara Karn, (former) leader of EPA’s research grants program for nanotechnologies in the EPA Office of Research and Development, and member of Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology subcommittee (NSET) of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, National Science and Technology Council.

The Advisory Board includes Linda J. Fisher, Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer at DuPont, Margaret A. Hamburg M.D., Vice President for Biological Programs, Nuclear Threat Initiative, Donald Kennedy, editor-in-chief of Science magazine and president emeritus and Bing Professor of Environmental Science, Emeritus, at Stanford University, John Ryan is Director of the Bionanotechnology IRC at Oxford University, and Stan Williams, Senior Fellow and Director of Quantum Science Research at Hewlett-Packard.

[edit] References

  1. ^ – Mission
  2. ^ About The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies
  3. ^ Canadian Embassy Science and Technology News, Jan-Feb 2006 [1]
  4. ^
  5. ^ "Southern Compass", Southern Growth Policies Board, 2005. [2]
  6. ^ "Nanocosmetics Alarm Safety Advocates" by Michelle Chen, The New Standard, Oct.12, 2006. [3]
  7. ^ PEN Reports]
  8. ^ a b "Former White House science advisor warns that nanotechnology's potential threatened" [4]
  9. ^ “Environmental and Safety Impacts of Nanotechnology: What Research is Needed?” Testimony of David Rejeski, US House of Representatives, Nov 17, 2005 [5]
  10. ^ Hearing on:“Developments in Nanotechnology” Testimony of: Dr. J. Clarence (Terry) Davies, Senior Advisor, Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Feb. 15, 2006 [6]

[edit] External links